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Does General attempt to entrench sometimes not work?

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  • Does General attempt to entrench sometimes not work?

    Seems like sometimes I tell my general to entrench in my terrain, and the gold bar goes up but then nothing happens, or some units entrench and others (within his range of affect) do not- even if not moving. Anyone else notice this?

  • #2
    AFAIK (VERY limited experience), it doesn't work in an opponents borders.
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      uh.... I said that. That ain't wat I'm talkin 'bout... -sigh-


      • #4
        I've noticed the same but I haven't tested for the cause. I suspect its either due to some unit types being unable to entrench or the units all have to have a "defensive" stance.


        • #5
          I think only infantry can entrench, so maybe you had cavalry?
          Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


          • #6
            By the way, when entrenching covering flanks is critical. Because once you entrench you can't move or you lose the entrenchment. But if you entrench and a flank is exposed, the enemy will just march right up to the flank and attack you there! Entrenching with one or both flanks up against a barrier like a building, woods, or mountains, is a good idea.
            Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


            • #7
              your strategy sounds good. i'll test it ASAP, cuz i sometimes get problems defending a city while i'm assimilating it.

              About the entrenchment: sorry i never had a problem like this and i use entrenchment very often.
              i think it was something with the type of units you chose.
              Who Dares Wins!


              • #8
                Apparently entrenching is a bit more involved than what you can find in the help texts. What I think I'm observing is that it only works on stationary, un-engaged infantry; movement or incoming/outgoing fire cancels the action. This means entrenching is something you have to do before a battle.

                BTW, the few times so far I've entrenched infantry I've found the "Stand Fast" stance useful.
                Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages


                • #9
                  And just to clarify further, unless I am mistaken, it does NOT matter if you get flanked while entrenched. All negative effects of being flanked are nullified as well as splash damage from siege weapons being nullified by entrenching. This makes entrenching powerful, but at the same time only necessary, strategically speaking, in certain circumstances... the way it should be.

                  As Rohag has mentioned, I believe that if you have non-engaged, stationary troops, regardless of the mixture of troops, the ones that can will always follow the general's command to entrench.

                  When you think about it, this makes alot of sense. Entrenching takes time, and to be able to do it in the middle of an engagement would be kind of wierd.

                  Please correct me if I am wrong about any of the above, but I am pretty sure what I have stated is correct.




                  • #10
                    Ok, I found what I read about entrenchment and flanks. It's in the mini-strategy guide that came with the game if you bought it at EB. It's not that entrenched troops will take flank damage if the flank is not covered, it's that the enemy will just go right past them if the flank is not blocked, so it's best to entrench up against obstacles like buildings, mountains, or forests. It's on page 20, in the description of the Battle of Britain tutorial scenario, in case anyone is interested.

                    Not sure where I read that you can only entrench infantry and not cavalry - if I find that somewhere I'll post it. In the meantime, does anyone want to test it?
                    Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                    • #11
                      For units to Entrench they cannot be moving, attacking, or in enemy territory. They also can't be cavalry, as previously mentioned (incidently, siege units also can't entrench).


                      • #12
                        Yup, thanks all! It was that they were attacking or not QUITE in position when entrenching. Got to make sure everyone is still and not shootin' off they guns!

                        Glad it's not just some silly bug or thing I was doing wrong.

