Has anyone got the good oil on towers and castles?
It seems like you only need 2 units/tower and 5 units/castle to have their fire rate fully opped. Correct?
Can these units be any type?
(I've noticed cavalry can go in fortifications and seem to have the same effect on fortifications as archers; what about spies/generals/spec.ops/supply wagons?)
Do additional units garrisoned have any effect on these fortifications?
*oops just realized I'm in the wrong forum. sorry*
It seems like you only need 2 units/tower and 5 units/castle to have their fire rate fully opped. Correct?
Can these units be any type?
(I've noticed cavalry can go in fortifications and seem to have the same effect on fortifications as archers; what about spies/generals/spec.ops/supply wagons?)
Do additional units garrisoned have any effect on these fortifications?
*oops just realized I'm in the wrong forum. sorry*