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Some Really Critical Questions - Looking to Buy

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  • Some Really Critical Questions - Looking to Buy

    In all of my web travels to find out stuff about RoN (and, yes, it has been a months-long journey to every site), the following questions have not been answered :

    1. How does the CtW campaign work? I have the demo and have done the battle maps and so forth, but nothing really explains the CtW campaign. What does the map look like? Are there "regions"? How are they linked together? Etc.

    2. What is the Unit Number limit? All the sites seem really mum about this. Having really enjoyed the Empire unit limit of around 5000, I'm wondering what the big RoN secret is. Is the limit 250 or so per "region" or what?

    3. Can the game parameters be slowed down so that it takes practically an ungodly amount of resources to move from age to age? The demo version can be played start to finish in all ages in about 2 hours. This is way to fast for an alleged "strategy" game. I want to play for "days"

    4. Can silly stuff like spies bribing troops and saboteurs blowing up critical facilities be turned off?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    1) its like a risk map and u move your army "counters" around the world map board. When u invade a territory or someone invades u. u switch to the RTS map and play a scenario to keep or take control of that province. The map type will be the same terrain type u will expect for that area..say if u are invading england from the continent, u will indeed have to cross a sea. Although the actual shape isnt the entire island of england or conmtinental europe. Think of it as more close in scale and u cant really see that broad a landscape. Also how many troops u get, and what level of city/cities u have is determined by how much u upgraded them in the Turn based portion. Development done within the RTS portion doesnt carry over.

    2) the pop limit is 200 per civ, with various research and wonders that increases above that number. Also there are already mods out that that increases this to 400 pop, and one for 3200 pop, and infinite pop.

    3) yes, there are in game switches, and also mods out there if thats not enough.

    4) Dont know about that. and whys that silly? it happens in the real world.
    Are you down with ODV?


    • #3
      1) I only know what I've read on various sites, but the map looks a bit like a risk map (but it is NOT played anything like risk!). You get to choose a region to invade, and you can earn special "cards" that you can play to give you various advantages when invading a region. When you invade a region, you're taken to the regular RST game display.

      2) Limit is 200, but there are various ways to increase this to anything you like (by editing an INI file and suchlike). But if your PC can't handle it, it'll be slooooooow.

      3) Again, it is possible to mod this. Some people in either this forum or at Rise of Nations Heaven have already done this.

      4) I don't know, but it wouldn't suprise me if you could turn it off. But in game terms, you're supposed to combat spies and sabs with your scouts!


      • #4
        here are some screens from the Conquer the World campaign...
        Attached Files
        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


        • #5
          And another one...
          Attached Files
          I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

