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Management tips

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  • Management tips

    When i first started playing this game i was overwhelmed by how much was going on and how fast paced the game is. I guess i thought it was a micro-nightmare, having 6 resources, multiple cities, armies and new stuff to build every couple minutes. Fortunately, there seems to be alot of hotkeys and tricks that help you focus more on the battlefield. Since then i've made my management more efficient and keep my eye on my army more often - the more the better! So here's a few tips that made things easier for a beginner like me:

    1 - tab. Probably my #1 hotkey, as it lets you cycle through all your 'tech' buildings (and this is important) while not taking your point of view off the battlefield.

    2 - n + waypoint. If you find a bonus resource, hit 'n' to activate a market, and set the waypoint to the resource, then create a merchant (and forget about it!). He will go to the resource and set up shop automatically. Good donkey!

    3 - Lower the idle citizen time in the options menu (f10). If i need a new building in my city, i'll pull a worker off a resource to do it. That way, she'll go right back to the resource when she's done. Man i hate idle citizens.

    4 - c + v (repeat). This combo will que up citizens in all your cities if you cycle through (and again won't take your pov off the battle field). The only time i do this (blindly building workers) is in the industrial age. That's when oil is discovered and you'll need all those idle citizens to build oil wells. So, after i que them up, i wait until i hear them all created, then use '.' to select them one at a time to build those oil wells.

    I'm still a slowpoke at this game, so i'd love to hear everyone else's tips on management.

  • #2
    Knowing the hot keys is crucial.

    Is there a way to track your units like in Total Annihilation? I loved pressing 't' and track the units wherever they were headed.


    • #3
      Actually, I don't think there's a track feature, but you can center on them (not the same really).


      • #4
        This was posted by Brian Reynolds at RoN Heaven
        How to find idle farm:

        1. Select any farm.
        2. Press HOME key to select all farms in the game (HOME key causes all of whatever you have selected to be added to your selection)
        3. See if any of the farm icons in your selection have the "empty head" (meaning farm is idle)
        4. If any farms idle you can locate them by clicking on the icon for that farm, and then clicking on it again once it becomes your sole selected item.


        • #5
          (HOME key causes all of whatever you have selected to be added to your selection)
          EXTREMELY usefull,

