Another question for the developers:
The French and their Healing Supply Wagon:
First off, let me state that I do not in the slightest understand how attrition is calculated in this game yet. I have played numerous games, and always seem to see something different. I am not saying it is broke, just that I don't understand it yet.
I know that Supply Wagons will help your invading army take less attrition damage when attacking your enemy in his territory. At least, I think I know this. I am correct on this point.... right?
How does the French healing supply wagons effect this statistically? Does the healing completely counteract the effects of attrition, thereby negating attrition altogether? If so, then the French, not the Russians or the Mongols, are the kings of dealing with the negative effects of attrition, correct? PLEASE help me to understand this, since attrition is one of the coolest features this game has IMO.
Because it would seem kind of retarded if I am playing against a Russian adversary who says, "Hey Leaper, I took the Russians, so you will take serious Attrition Damage from Russian Winter when you attack me." And I say... "Nope, you commie bastard, I have the French, and therefore will actually HEAL during your crappy bonus called Russian Winter! Your bonus is totally worth monkey balls! I took one of your coolest bonuses, and buried it in the sand!" That would suck for him, that's for sure. Please clarify.
Thanks again,
*edited for clarity
The French and their Healing Supply Wagon:
First off, let me state that I do not in the slightest understand how attrition is calculated in this game yet. I have played numerous games, and always seem to see something different. I am not saying it is broke, just that I don't understand it yet.
I know that Supply Wagons will help your invading army take less attrition damage when attacking your enemy in his territory. At least, I think I know this. I am correct on this point.... right?
How does the French healing supply wagons effect this statistically? Does the healing completely counteract the effects of attrition, thereby negating attrition altogether? If so, then the French, not the Russians or the Mongols, are the kings of dealing with the negative effects of attrition, correct? PLEASE help me to understand this, since attrition is one of the coolest features this game has IMO.
Because it would seem kind of retarded if I am playing against a Russian adversary who says, "Hey Leaper, I took the Russians, so you will take serious Attrition Damage from Russian Winter when you attack me." And I say... "Nope, you commie bastard, I have the French, and therefore will actually HEAL during your crappy bonus called Russian Winter! Your bonus is totally worth monkey balls! I took one of your coolest bonuses, and buried it in the sand!" That would suck for him, that's for sure. Please clarify.
Thanks again,
*edited for clarity