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help please ;(

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  • help please ;(

    i ve borrowed moo3 from a friend but i forgot the manuel DOH
    who woulda thought moo3 was that complex?
    i think my head explodes

    i got one a n00b-question:
    î have built a colony ship and i d like to move it to another system but i cant get it activated (out of the reserves)
    do i have to create a taskforce to send it to other planets?
    if yes y do i need more than X ships to create a taskforce
    or can i create a colony task force just like the 1st colony ship at the beginning of the game was?
    if yes how?

    plz help im desperate

  • #2
    Re: help please ;(

    Yes you must form a TF. I hope the colony ship has both types of engines. You can have a single ship TF for CS or scouts.


    • #3
      When you go to the TF creation screen it will open up to Flotilla size Long Range Attack mission. You'll need to change the dropdowns to be detachment & colony for a 1 or 2 colony ship force.

      To get to the TF creation screens click on any system with a Mobilization Center. You can hit the B key to bring up all the systems with a MobCntr and also color coded star lanes.
      A dictatorship wouldn't be so bad. As long as I'm the dictator. G. W. Bush


      • #4
        big thx guys

        didnt see that one


        • #5
          You can make a task force out of any one ship!
          Or use more ships!


          • #6
            Yeah, and if you press 'B' on the keyboard you can use it the same turn.
            Well, is this a bug or a tactic, though? A ground force is added to SitRep the same turn, the fleet appears there the next one.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Quintus_AP
              Yeah, and if you press 'B' on the keyboard you can use it the same turn.
              Well, is this a bug or a tactic, though? A ground force is added to SitRep the same turn, the fleet appears there the next one.
              Bug. This "B" key exploit will be fixed in the code patch.


              • #8
                I find myself still exploiting that B key bug. I guess I`ll have problems adapting to the post-patch version....


                • #9
                  D'uh! How come I never hear about these things until they are (almost) fixed?

