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To QS. Patch suggestions/wishes

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  • To QS. Patch suggestions/wishes

    I really hope the appropriate people (the ones who made the game) read this thread. I also hope the more experienced players offer their opinions.

    Some suggestions:

    1. Bring stored up production back.

    2. Give the player the ability to outlow certain items from all queues (magazine for instance).

    3. When the player removes a DEA he must have the ability to plan the new one at the same turn.

    4. When you build a new ship design the screen should stay there. As it is now it resets to lancer/orbital. Also a modify design option would be helpfull.

    Please add your own suggestions. I really believe that the game can be good.


  • #2
    I just read the patch info thread and there are many good changes planned. Good

    I just want to point out something about the AI. In one game I had trade agreements and good relations with the Eoladi. At some point I attacked them taking their planets one by one. During that period they remained friendly, no war declared, no threads, nothing.

    I was thinking that it was something temporary, that at some point they would wake up and declare war. This however never happened. I took all their planets and only when invading the last one I had to declare war (otherwise the game would not let me invade)

    That's another thing that has to be fixed.



    • #3
      Since the non-starline travel time has been lowered somewhat, I would like to see an option on the new game setup where we could play without any star lanes at all. Also, it might be good to be allowed to change the non-starlane travel multiplier on the setup as well (in the data patch it was lowered from 20 to 7).
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