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Getting better!

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  • Getting better!

    MOO3 will gradually get better as these patches come out. I haven't had time to play as much as I did when it was released, but I have started a new single player game with the datapatch. The patch covers enough fixes so as to make the game more enjoyable, and I'm back to playing the game whenever I have the chance.

    I hope QS keeps it up, and patches the game as much as possible, because I feel it could be a comeback contender, as things get fixed and improved.

    On another matter, has anyone heard from Xentax? I haven't read a single post from him here or at IG since the release.


  • #2
    Re: Getting better!

    Originally posted by Don K Hotay
    Getting better!
    "I`m not dead! I think I`ll go for a walk!"

    Yes, I am a troll. Move along. Nothing to see here.


    • #3
      a few late

      A few late to launch a patch, we saw everything that the game could give, there to muuuuuuccccccchhhhh things to get fixed, a graphic great patch, a expansion or even a gold version would be need, the game for now is to boring and sssssslllllllooooowwwwwww


      • #4
        expansion, gold version? Why would we want to pay gor that when we get ripped on the original. I im not one to talk bad about moo3 because i like the game, but i would not pay for a remake when i wasted 50$ on moo3. After waiting for 20 years for this release there are way to many bugs and problems. Patch is needed, the longer they wait the more people will dislike this game.

        I have had fun playing moo3, but it is getting a little hectic. I am a huge moo fan, but this is ridiculous.

        But i agree this game will get better and be as it should have been on release date.

        Also want to give thanks to people working on patch and the game. It has been fun, but not worth the 50$ i spent on it.
        Last edited by SINISTER1974; April 25, 2003, 12:47.


        • #5
          How is the end game? I couldn't get past the mid-game before getting frustrated and uninstalling.


          • #6
            Depends what you see as midgame. Personally I think MoO3 really comes into its own when you have plenty of planets and fleets of 60+ ships moving around. Thats where all these automated advisors really shine by swallowing the minutae and leaving you to get on with the important stuff: blowing hell out of your enemies.

            Endings: The 5X video clip is nice but I think they should have done something to make the actual expeditions themselves more dynamic. If you lose to another nation getting a senate-win the end is sudden and uninspiring. Winning by senate win isn't much better. We need the patch to make the enemy nations actually put up a serious fight before we can truly judge the end game feeling properly.
            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


            • #7
              If i know well the movies are in a *.bik files, i don't wanna to even try to finish the game, there is some software that open *.bik movies?


              • #8


                • #9
                  What I have noticed is that you can leave things to the viceroys for a few turns but longer than that, they screw up by building unnecessery stuff and all the wrong ships....

                  I am micromanaging all I can, and there is no AI that can do it better.... PERIOD.


                  • #10
                    Even with the patches so far, the AI does not build properly. There should be a way to exclude things like magazine, psyops and so forth from being in the build list. I hate them so much. In fact, patch the game so that we can decide what a particular planet can and can never build.



                    • #11
                      I asked about it in one of my threads here. Apparently there is a way to alter the ratios at which these are being built. Look it up....

                      I havent bothered since I made the decision to micro everything....


                      • #12
                        manage everything is the way to go. If you play single player there should be no reason why you cant do this. For MP it is almost impossible later in the game, except when playing on a very small galaxie. Even then can be a hand full in the 2-3 min you have. But it is better and more relaxing to manage everything yourself so AI doesnt mess up your empire/planets. I mean seriously --if you were king of an empire would you let morons run it? LOL.


                        • #13
                          If I were king, I would indeed hire morons, and put restrictions on what they could and could not do. CIV3 has it, it doesn't seem like that difficult of a feat. I'm sure there are ratios and spreadsheets that could be modified, but I don't like having to dig around.



                          • #14
                            I think its down to playing style. I'd rather spend 1 minute/turn doing the important stuff and let the AI save me two minutes by handling the trivia. That way I can play 3 times faster without seriously denting my performance.

                            Now if the AI was whooping my ass, sure I'd micro everything I thought might make a difference. As it stands its simply not neccesary unless you find yourself stuck in a backwater between hostile races at game start.
                            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.

