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How soon to get Orion???

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  • How soon to get Orion???

    I have a question that I was wondering about. How long does it usually take you to destroy the Guardian and take Orion?

    Just curious because that seems to be a major turning point...once I take Orion, I feel pretty much that I can pretty much guarentee victory.

    BTW...I am talking about 8 races, Huge universe, Impossible, PreWarp tech - cause thats all I play (unless I just want to screw around) (version 1.3 too)

    Generally I take it around 3528 or slightly before....but I was playing a friend of mine (as painful as that was) and had an extremely nice setup and got it at 3522.7, and he was PISSED...he says he can never get Orion so soon (he says its usually around 3535), so I was just wondering how it went for everyone else.

    I thought I saw somewhere around here how somebody got it within 100 turns (with emissions guidance) which would be 3510, but I honestly don't see how I could ever do that because by then I still am working on getting colony #4 and have no ships whatsoever....

    Just curios what others do....
    PS - I always go the Stasis Field technique for killing the Guardian - usually with 4 batlleships.

  • #2
    Usually around 25-27, depending on where it is and what else I am doing.

    I use phasors or plasma cannons with a titan and a few battleships.
    Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


    • #3
      Never really noticed. In fast games (under 100 turns), I will not bother with Orion, just take down all races.
      Otherwise, I will go as soon as I have 5-6 BB with phasors.
      It could be done sooner with missile ships, but that is not my style.


      • #4
        It takes as long as teching to emmissions guidance and building 2 cruisers and 4 frigates with mirv merc missiles. Assuming your scouts have found Orion you should be able to do this in about 120 turns more or less. Since the AI does not move very fast even at impossible, I usually wait for BB's and do like vmxa1. I have done it with the missiles so I know it can be done.


        • #5
          In an average startup I get it around t150, maybe earlyer. On prewarp it might get delayed up to 220, but I don't know if I do take that long.
          Of course I'm talking about ships with zortium, no shields, fast missile racks, fully modded Merculites, battle pods, and at least one Scanner tech, either tachyon scanner or neutron scanner. Usually I go for the neutron scanner.
          "BANANA POWAAAAH!!! (exclamation Zopperoni style)" - Mercator, in the OT 'What fruit are you?' thread
          Join the Civ2 Democratic Game! We have a banana option in every poll just for you to vote for!
          Many thanks to Zealot for wasting his time on the jobs section at Gamasutra - MarkG in the article SMAC2 IN FULL 3D?
          Always thought settlers looked like Viking helmets. Took me a while to spot they were supposed to be wagons. - The pirate about Settlers in Civ 1


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies, it was just a curiosity thing....

            I've never been a big missile guy, but I'll have to try it out...usually I keep the peace until I can get the big guns (phasors) and I make a beeline for Orion (even if it means making an Alliance --- shudder....) I know where is is because I almost always am omniscient (especially playing MP)


            • #7
              I just did it in 150 turns with combined missiles and beams without hurrying, so know it can be done quicker on average impossible hugh. Maybe my 120 estimate was too low, but some of the really good players might be able to do it by focusing only on that goal.

