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PD on IF ship designs targets nothing

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  • PD on IF ship designs targets nothing

    I've seem good results from PD ship designs for shooting fighters and missiles alike. However, on IF and sometimes on LR ship designs, PD weapons don't always fire.

    Example 1:
    LR flottilla with additional troop ships assaults planet. Enemy Fighters are shot down by PD on troop ships. The PD on the LR ships does not fire.

    Example 2:
    I built an IF Dreadnought wave. The IF Dreads have 8 lightning fields each (and missiles worth 8400). There's support forces for scouting and a few LR units as well.
    I assault a dug in planet and get beaten in a very bad way as not any ship targets the myriad of fighters comming out.

    Is PD only supposed to work on PD ship designs ?

  • #2
    It's a bug that will be fixed in the first patch.
    "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
    Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition

