I was wondering if anyone else has experienced multiple trade and/or research sharing agreements with other empires. I haven't kept track (though I am considering doing so), but it seems like I get multiple requests for these types of agreements (also seems to happen with alliance offers).
For example, say a race contacts me to ask/offer a trade agreement, and I accept. Within a few turns the same race contacts me again with the same request/offer. This has happened a number of times (with all types of agreements) so I was wondering, are these types of agreements established for a limited number of turns? Or is this perhaps another minor bug? Any help or feedback is appreciated.
For example, say a race contacts me to ask/offer a trade agreement, and I accept. Within a few turns the same race contacts me again with the same request/offer. This has happened a number of times (with all types of agreements) so I was wondering, are these types of agreements established for a limited number of turns? Or is this perhaps another minor bug? Any help or feedback is appreciated.