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War and surrender

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  • War and surrender

    I'm at war. If I click on conditional surrender or unconditional surrender am I surrendering or asking the other race to surrender? If I get a message about surrender is the other race surrendering or asking me to? I can't tell from the text in the message.

    What are the differences in the types of surrender?

    Sorry, guess I'm too lazy to try them and reload.

  • #2
    If you initiate the surrender option, you're surrendering to them. I've never had an AI race surrender to me before, but I'd guess they're surrendering to you.


    • #3
      Thanks. Had a feeling that might be how it worked.

      Only one race tried to surrender so far, but at the time I couldn't tell for sure if they were surrendering so I refused. They tried a bunch of times.


      • #4
        I've had a race offer a conditional surrender, which I accepted. Problem is I never found out what the conditions were. I don't know if this was the (developer's) intention or just another bug, but I would have preferred to know what the surrendering race was offering (or maybe even gave) me for accepting their offer.


        • #5
          I've seen an AI have an enforced peace with another AI. I have no idea what this means, but it was interesting to see.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BobD
            I've had a race offer a conditional surrender, which I accepted. Problem is I never found out what the conditions were. I don't know if this was the (developer's) intention or just another bug, but I would have preferred to know what the surrendering race was offering (or maybe even gave) me for accepting their offer.
            same thing happened to me. There was no indication of what the terms where, so I just kept on stalling the offer, hoping that eventually I would see some items offered.

            Nothing like that happened though, so eventually I just agreed (with the insult stance ), and this resulted in an enforced peace treaty. I was dissapointed at first, but then I looked at my finance tab, and the small empire was giving 1200 AU's per turn. It didn't last forever though, maybe 20 turns.. not sure exactly how long.

            I never got a unconditional surrender though. I wonder how that can be accomplished: maybe if you're on great terms with the AI? I know someone once pointed out that unconditional surrender would work great in MP, where you can just hand everything you got to your buddy... or how in moo2 some AIs whom you're demolishing would surrender to another AI who they are apparently on better terms with.

