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Why the game get's to slow?

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  • Why the game get's to slow?

    The time passa the Civs get Bigger the things finnaly get fun, but the game begin to get slow in turn pass , now in the turn 340 in a impossible huge 16 civ game i wait 5 minutes in a turn pass , there is not that i can do? , i have a P III , 128 ram 450 Hz more than 4 Gb inhd, i know that is not soo good but is better than the mimimun requirements of the game, i would like some help i wanna a quicker game to kill the orions and fight in multiple fronts i love conquest.

  • #2
    So maybe you should upgrade your System.
    With my AMD 900 and 512 MB RAM I never run into those Problems.

    RAM seems to be a deciding factor, as another MOO3-Player with 800 MHz but just 128 MB seems to encounter the same Problems you describe.
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      I have the same system it seems, P3 450mhz with 128 SDRAM, but yesterday i bought home another 128 SDRAM from work and took my system up to 256mb. There is a HUGE difference! The turns are processed much faster and the space combats run extremely smoothly, even with lots of armada sized task forces involved.


      • #4
        I have a PIII 450 with 256MB RAM and mine slows up around turn four hundred. I'm guessing three to five minutes between turns.


        • #5
          Hmmmmmmm, strange, im on turn ~430 and its taking less than 30 seconds between turns. Have y'all checked whats running in the background?


          • #6
            With 512 Mb Ram turns are pretty much instantaneous but I've never gone the huge-16 civs route. Like Civ IIIyou may just have to accept that the largest map settings are beyond the abilities of many PC's.
            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


            • #7
              P II 350 with 192 mb RAM, GEforce 4 graphics card. My turn times are slow after 20-30 turns. Save, reboot, reload makes it normal for another 20-30, but all the rebooting is a pain. I suspect the program has a memory leak since a reboot solves the problem for a while. Just my guess, not an expert.

              I took one game to turn 320 and at around 150 it went all the way to 320 without getting slow. Really strange.

              Make sure you stop everything possible from running in background and turn off music.


              • #8
                i have a p (forgot what been so long!) with 380 something megs of ram. I got tons of stuff running in the background (mp3, browsers, trillian, to just name a few things) and the game runs very fast.

                The only times when I do get slowdowns, is when I zoom in real close to very busy battles. Or when I scroll around a galaxy, and I happen to go over a nebula. These seem to slow the scrolling a bit. Also, when I alt-tab out of moo3, takes a good 20 seconds for my windows to un stutter itself.

                I'll admit though that the late game turns take a little longer, but nothing in the 5 minute range. I don't think I'd be able to play if I had to wait that long.


                • #9
                  Needs 2Ghz 512Mt to run even normally with normal games. Behaviour similar to Civ3


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      I have a PII 233 Mhz with 163 MBs of RAM and a 3dfx Voodoo 3 with a huge 16 MBs of RAM. I've played AC fine, Civ 3 ok, and Moo3 fine till about turn 300. I was getting the surface error for awhile, but I just had to delete a few save games. (Like I'd actually ever go back and play any of them) I really really want a new computer, but I have a wife. The first 50-60 turns go fast. (I don't like combat though. It is either too fast with few ships or way too slow with huge armada's) I wish there was a pause during battle. (And a find my fleet and a find the enemy fleet/ or planet button)


                      • #12
                        Also what about the order's the other cil are issueing also that can cause the time the turn take to pocure to vary slightly.
                        By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.

