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build orders for moo2

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  • build orders for moo2

    Are there some written build orders for various races out there for moo2 to help new players? This way it would teach you a few principles in order to do stuff more efficiently (so you can compete at higher difficulty levels.

  • #2
    Haven't seen anything like lists of build orders, but some threads give examples. It depends on your style of play and if going for score or fast victory. Auto factories or research labs are usually the first target.
    Part of the fun is learning what works best for you under your starting conditions ie. size of universe nearness of neighbors and sometimes who those neighbors are. I have learned a lot from reading the threads here.
    Last edited by Kaptain Ken; March 18, 2003, 18:54.


    • #3
      I had a long post for this last night, but the server got ill.
      I just got up so I may not be clear headed. I guess I am not real sure about what it is you are looking for here.
      What one builds is highly dependant upon the type of game and the race you are playing.
      I mean if you want to go out and conquer the map as fast as you can that is one thing, if you want to expand slowly that is another. Is it a easy level, hard, impossible? Map size and all that.
      I think the first few planets, you have very little in the way of structures to choose from at any point in time.
      Later in the game a new planet has many structures, so then you have some choices to make. Again, what is you style then? Kill all quickly, or something else?
      Research order is very key, but again, not so much if you are creative as when you are not.
      The custon race thread goes over much of this for the early game.
      If you have some specific question, let us know.

