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A moment of silence

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  • A moment of silence

    Master of Orion is truly dead. The third installment plays like a spreadsheet. I'd say more but it's already been said in ten other threads. Let us mourn the passing of a truly great franchise.


  • #2
    I'd like to break this moment of silence with a rude noise, then follow it up with a similar rude noise after a somewhat dramatic pause. Its the next installment, like it or love it, but its still alive. Couldn't your "mourning" go into some other whine thread?
    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


    • #3
      No need to be uncivil. Just saying the odds of a Master of Orion 4 look pretty damned bleak right now. The genre will go on, but the franchise is dead.


      • #4
        The franchise might be dead, but the spirit is not. The failure of MoO3 will inspire fans to create a true sequel one day, be it one of the open source projects or a commercial product that might bear a different name but will be a MoO at heart.


        • #5
          Moo is dead. Yes.

          Moo3 isn't Moo.

          Moo3 is alive and kicking


          • #6
            Originally posted by statusperfect
            Moo is dead. Yes.

            Moo3 isn't Moo.

            Moo3 is alive and kicking
            Yeah, kicking because QS/IG held a pillow over its face, smothering a great brand and whizzing on the fans with this "peacenik" A.I. (Declares war for no reason but never actually attacks) and useless manuals/strat guide/in-game encyclopedia....


            • #7
              Gotta love how every person who doesn't like the game is called a "whiner".

              But if he posted how much he thought the game was the best ever, would he be considered a "Good" whiner?.
              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


              • #8
                Originally posted by vee4473
                Gotta love how every person who doesn't like the game is called a "whiner".

                But if he posted how much he thought the game was the best ever, would he be considered a "Good" whiner?.
                maybe if constructive criticism was used instead of saying "Yeah, kicking because QS/IG held a pillow over its face, smothering a great brand and whizzing on the fans with this "peacenik" A.I."


                • #9
                  no, no , you have a point h tower, but i was referring to the original post about the mourning.

                  the first response was that he should go whine somewhere else.
                  While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                  • #10
                    Well, I have seen this happen before.

                    A great game franchise/concept - hyped-up to such a lofty heights (by the developers, the distributers. promoters, and yes, by us loyal fans) to the point that all of our dreams and expectations seem too good to be true.

                    The game is delayed and delayed - and the expectation grows - loyal fans such as myself pre-purchase it, and the back-orders grow and grow.

                    Game magazines hype up the 'beta' and our appetites are whetted and we cannot hold out with the suspense.

                    Then the game hits the shelves...

                    Let down, disappointment and disbelief that waiting all this time comes to this. We become enraged, start flaming the developers/distributers website with "When will you release the *&#$@% patch", or "this game sucks!", or "what a waste of money". Game magazines start reviewing the game for what it really is (funny they did not do it before when they had the beta copy).

                    Then sales start to spiral, the developers/distrbuters stop answering our emails about fixes and patches, and finally, they become completely silent (that's when we find out that the bulk of the developing team has found employment elsewhere etc.). Big name fan sites start to dwindle as interest for the game plummets far faster than it should.

                    Final verdict.

                    The developers won't touch the product with a ten foot pole, the fan sites (which are the biggest and best promoters of the game) start to disappear, multiplayer servers dry up, and finally the game becomes nothing more than a mere memory (or played at home by a few die hard fans like myself).

                    I think we have all seen this happen a time or two - I have seen it happen to such games as Birth of the Federation (I know, something more was happening behind the scenes there with ST franchise moving to another company), Reach for the Star 2 (if you think M003 is rotten - you have not played RFTS2), and Imperium Galactica 2.

                    I only hope that they boys at QS put out a really comprehensive patch soon, or else this game may become another dinosaur exhibit.




                    • #11
                      I have to agree. I liked all the little videos in moo2, example, when you stole technogy, when the space amobea attacks, destruction of a planet. Its little things that make a game great. There is no real personalization of ships becuase you cant contol research. Even when you direct research to a certain area the ai decides your wrong its right and changes it. With anyluck space empires V will be out by the end of the year.


                      • #12
                        While I am sad that BOTF and Imperium Galactica 2 have faded into obscurity I am not about Moo3 ala Infogreed............

                        signature not visible until patch comes out.


                        • #13
                          I'll wait until a patch comes out and give it a go before I decide if this game is dead.


                          • #14
                            IMO the guys at QS and Infogrames can still save this game if they put out a good first patch in a good timely manner.

                            Otherwise, it may go the way of IG2 and BOTF.

                            As the word gets out and people read the reviews and customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction, it may deter more people from buying the game.

                            And we all know that unit sales determine the amount and quality of product support and patches - no one is going to spend a lot of time and resources (and money) on fixing a game that no one buys.

                            Let's hope a patch comes soon, and some of the bad PR gets stamped out.




                            • #15
                              Its funny. In every franchise, this type of topic will always repeat over and over again.

                              Always there will be those who wanted just an upgrade on the old version and didn't like the way the game developers chose to take the sequel. Always there will be the threads about the spirit of the game dying.

                              But always there will be those who enjoy the sequel and new players entering the scene to build a new community. I have seen it with the Warcraft/Starcraft franchise, the Total Annhiliation franchise, the C&C franchise and even the Street Fighter franchise.

                              In each and everyone of the franchises there will be those who think their opinions of the game are the be all and end all and will walk away and think that its over. After a few months they will be gone permantly and the those who continue to play will still be there.

