I"m the biggest fan of Master of orion, so many years of waiting and finally when u buy it and play the game for couple of days, all the hopes go down the drain than u wish u never bought the damn game. MOO2 was way more interesting to play even with 2D graphics.
In MOO3 all u do is try to maintain good diplomatic relations and colonize, the rest is all automated. And the combat is so horrible, the ships are so small u cant even see them with some kind of details even with the full zoom in, they like flying dots. And on ground combat they ad list could of created some fighting animation or something to make it more attractive
The research, dont even start me with that.
And whats wrong with ship designs, i started the game 6 time with different species just to check if i get a different ship design, no hope same ship design every time u start a new game.
This game is not even being close of coming to the subject of complex.
In reality everyone is saying that this is a superb game, how about this, stop kissing the MOO3 creators ass and speak on what u truly think about this game. And maybe than they'll think twice before releasing such a hideous game.
High expectations down the drain and thanks for Ruining the game.

I'm not a troll, and for those who say that i'm well they can go and @#$% them selfs.