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Specific Development Plans

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  • Specific Development Plans

    I don't want to discuss the pros/cons and inner workings of
    development plans as this has already been done in other threads.

    What I want is for people to post the development plans that
    they use that actually work, also can you specify what race they
    work for.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    My style is builder, I play Medium cluster galaxy, modified humans, medium star lines- many, specials- average, random events normal, and 8 opponents. I have those dev plans for my planets:

    All planets: 1- Infrastructure. 2-none, 3-none.
    Red Ring: 1- terraforming, 2-Mine, 3-none
    Yellow Ring: 1- terraforming, 2-Mine, 3-none
    Green Ring: 1-Manufacture, 2-none, 3-none
    Sweet spot: 1- Manufacture, 2-none, 3- none
    Mineral Poor: 1-none, 2-Manufacture, 3-none
    Mineral Rich: 1-Mine, 2-none, 3-none
    Low biodiversity: 1-none, 2-manufacture, 3- none
    High biodiversity: 1-none, 2-farm, 3-none
    Large: 1-manufacture, 2-none, 3-none
    New: 1-Infrastructure, 2- Government, 3- none.

    That’s all. As far, (turn 140) it did quite well.
    I play as modified Humans.

    My Humans are:

    Bioharvest- superior.
    Research- poor
    Economy- specie
    Accuracy- poor
    Reflexes- poor
    Government Type- Absolutist
    Starting planet mineral richness- poor.
    Starting planet biodiversity- similar.
    Citizenship- Loyalty

    I hope it helps.


    • #3
      That's quite interesting, I never thought to put Red/Yellow Ring to terraforming & mine, I'll try that out straight away.

      Thanks Serb.


      • #4
        Dev plans dont realy do much for me i have found. I just check for new planets every turn and look to see what kind of planet i want. ie... Mine, Research, Industrial, Farming, or Recreation. I then set up the whole planet right at the start and move on. I almost never have to look at them again untill they start kicking out ships.


        • #5
          jeah - I usually keep the planetary AI on, but if I want an mining planet, or a industrial planet, etc. I go into the planetary infustructure and plan all the DEAs at the beginning.


          • #6
            I set up a few DEA plans, for Rich, Poor, Secondary and Core. After a planet is colonized I "build" the most important ones like GOV, REC, and what is specific like MINES, IND or BIO. I dont fill all the DEAs. I leave something to the VR too. Why the hell am I paying him for.


            • #7
              Can anyone confirm that the classification PRIMARY relates to the first planet in the system that you colonize? Thanks


              • #8
                Primary Theory

                Here's a theory: What if the Primary planet is the one with your system seat of government?

                Its something to test I suppose.


                • #9
                  Core, Primary, Secondary and Frontier classifications determinates distance from planet with IMPERIAL Seat of government. Try to build Imperial seat of government on newly colonized planet and see what will happens- when ISG will be comlete this "Frontier" planet will become "Core".

                  "I view our nuclear arsenal as a deterrent, as a way to say to people that would harm America, don't do it. That's a deterrent. That there's a consequence. And the president must have all options available to make that deterrent have meaning."
                  - George W. Bush

