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Aquiantus Mod V 1 now available

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  • Aquiantus Mod V 1 now available

    Aquiantus Mod v1

    Aquiantus Mod v 1.0 (Includes GreyModpack v 2.0 )

    Installation Instructions
    Using Winzip extract the text Files into

    Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Master of Orion 3\GameDataSets\Classic_01\GameData\Common\Spreadsh eets

    Also note you will need to take the file wsBudgetFinance.txt and place it into this directory

    Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Master of Orion 3\GameDataSets\Classic_01\GameData\English\wString s


    Racemodifiers.txt Changes

    Changed all three so that all three variables are not better than Normal pick


    Dangerous - Spies now have +20 turns longer Luck (life) and instead of only +10 (This variable may also increase the life of Leaders not sure as I haven't done extensive tests with it yet)

    SpyMissions.txt Changes
    Leader Killed Missions - will now only reduce Leader Luck by -25 instead of -125. This will allow leaders to last longer and allow for multiple attempts at a leaders life. Leaders lose luck over time so -25 could still kill them if they have lose Luck (life) over time. Raised Dagger Usage from 0 to 2 to reflect it as a dangerous mission which makes attempts slightly harder.

    Sitrep.txt Changes
    Resorted a majority of Sitrep reports
    Made a few things Red category (IE Tech completion)
    Made a majority in Green that weren't high priority including all Tech reports except completion.
    Left Yellow category for Planet Queue builds only. This will help to manage your Planet queues more efficiently from the Sitrep.

    Base Relations- An attempt to lower the Diplomacy level on various races to make it alittle harder to be elected as Senate Leader and cause alittle more wars if one is not careful.

    Humans have been increasingly uneasy since an Asteroid full of bugs crashed into one of their colonies. A few million have died but the Insectoids were irradicated. The humans are now Insectphobes.
    Humans and Insectoids are now at -50 (uneasy)

    While harvesting food Ethereans noticed massive amounts of bugs infiltrating their crops and destroying them. As a result a few thousand Ethereans starved to death which cause an uneasy climate towards all Insectoids
    Ethereans and Insectoids are now at -50

    Generally a peace lovin species the Ethereans have made poor diplomatic talks with the Saurons who are warmongers. The Saurons have decided to one day teach the Ethereans the way of war. News stations quickly picked up on this and spread the news now they are at an uneasy state between each other.
    Ethereans and Saurons are now at -50

    While in an underground city/mine Geodic accidently caved in an underground mine. The explosion was massive and few thousand Geodics were killed. There was reports of a Ichthytosian swimming away from one of the underground water caves. This has cause uneasy atmosphere between the two as Ichthytosian swore they didn't do it.
    Geodic and Ichthytosian are now at -50

    A Ichthytosian Diplomat accidently stepped on an ant causing an uneasy state between the Insectoids and Icthytosians. The Icthytosians have appologized formaly to the Insectoid nations but the Insectoids are still angry.
    Ichthytosian and Insectoid are now at -50

    Alot of wars and slavery has accumulated an uneasy state between the different species of Saurons. Raas have pledged to one day avenge themselves making the other Saurians uneasy in a inner special cold war.
    Saurians vs Saurians are now at -50

    GreyModPack Included V 1.0
    GreyModPack readme.txt
    Sypmod Ver 1.0 Beta.

    Raises queue for building spies to 10
    Build time for spies adjusted depending on Spy mission.
    Increases operational costs when in the field.

    Aiplanet Ver 1.0 Beta.

    Reduces military dea efficency a bit.
    Increases Research efficiency a small amount.

    TechTables Ver 1.0 Beta.

    Slows down all research.

    Unrest Ver 1.0 Beta.

    Changes to budgetary spending for military.
    Changes to planets who build AI mil units.
    Reduction in reserve sizes to reduce overgrown transport fleets.

    MilitaryAI Ver 1.0 Beta.

    Better balancing of forces and task forces built by the AI.
    AI more agressive when attacking - fleet size or layout.
    Better ground troop build ratios.
    Force size used in various states of diplomacy tweaked.
    Less likely to lower border policies once raised, but also not as likely to raise as before - fewer AI multi front wars.
    Changes to AI deployment in war or peace.

    Note: As regards ground force invasions - the AI still seems to chicken out - pretty sure some of this is race specic and maybe hardcoded.

    Govern Ver 1.0 Beta.

    HFoG changed for all difficulty levels to offset AI's inablility to deal with it.
    Research slightly boosted for the AI for all diff levels to balance out against an agressive human player.
    Fleet maintenance reduced for all difficulty levels.
    Max 15% boost to AI on Medium Hard and Impossible in Mining, Farming, Population growth, Terraforming, Unrest reduction, SpacePort efficiency and Manufacturing.

    TaskForce Ver 1.0 Beta.

    Upped Task force limit to 32.
    Added appropriate picket and escort rules."
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Aquiantus; March 9, 2003, 00:06.

  • #2
    I have updated a few files and is now available in version 2a and 2b (this one is without Greys mod)

    Modifications from 1.0
    - Took out Barter change
    - Senete Bill failure still showed up at Yellow it was moved to green
    - Cunning Pick Luck is 40 up from 20 (This translates into about 25 - 30 more turns for your spy)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Aquiantus; March 9, 2003, 01:24.


    • #3
      Here's 2b (This one is for those who just want the files I updated without Greys - Although I highly recommend his)
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Version 2b Misteriously lost BaseRelations.txt. Here's an update that includes that.

        Edit: This one is without Greys Mod
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Aquiantus; March 9, 2003, 16:47.


        • #5
          which one is without greys?


          • #6


            • #7
              Aquiantus Mod V 4b Now available (Does not contain Grey's Mod)


              -Tech Positive Overrun was in the Green zone. This is the same as Tech Completion but with a bonus. I've placed it into the Red zone. Thanks to Sha for pointing this out to me.
              Attached Files

