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Dev Planning - Without the spam.

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  • #16
    AceQ I am always on the look out for any good ideas, so post anything you learn.


    • #17
      I've been trying these:

      Mineral Rich - Mine/Manufacture/Mine
      Mineral Poor - Research/Farm/Research

      Hoping to get the rich planets building the starships, and the poor doing the science and farming.


      • #18
        Does anybody know with any degree of certaintly what ALL of the possible planet designations mean? And what the lines between the distinctions are?

        I know what a Mineral RIch planet is... but what EXACTLY does the AI consider a Trade or Farm planet to be? I have guesses, but I want facts.

        Also... Mineral rich, Mineral poor... what about all of those Mineral Average planets I have sitting around? I don't want another designation for them in the plans screen, but I do want to know if either of the current plans apply here, or some weird average of them....

        I understand that this might be mystery that takes a while to solve... now I'm off to tweak my "secondary" planets... whatever that may mean...


        • #19
          Originally posted by AceQ
          Hokiemon - From what I've read it only shows you two classifications but applies up to five. So a Mineral Poor Planet will still have your plan apply. You can check 3 turns after it's colonized to see if any manufacturing DEA's are being built. ( if that’s a primary )
          Up to five DEV Plans? No wonder the Viceroys are confused! So am I.

          If true, how does this work? Are all plans given equal weighting? If a viceroy has to satisify up to five primary DEV Plans, will it ever get around to secondary and tertiary items? If they are not weighted equally, are the two DEV Plans displayed the top two priorities? Is the All Planets DEV Plan an overiding priority, or just a default plan in case nothing else is specified? So many questions, so few answers.

