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Questions over Strategy Guide

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  • Questions over Strategy Guide

    This goes out to all of you who have the official strategy guide. If you'd be so kind, I'd really like to know if any of the topics below are discussed.

    (Please note that I can't and don't ask for any specifics, of course, so a simple YES/NO and Well discussed/Useless would be great).

    Thanks a lot to anyone who responds with info,
    [list=1][*]Strategies for diplomacy with other races[*]An in depth discussion of space/ground combat (including what weapon authorizations do)[*]Formulas for production, growth, weapons damage vs armor, etc[*]Repeating content that's already in the manual that comes with the game[*]Did you consider it worth buying?[/list=1]

  • #2
    Hail Drunkard!

    If you know who this is, you can guess my password.

    1-3 Yes
    4 Not much-the manual sucks worse than something written by stoned laid off Microsoft writers on a binge typing marathon
    5 Of course! How else would I know how to play in under three hours? Not that I know how to play, mind you...

    If you're not sure, just wait...I'll bring my copy of the book...that'll convince you

    "And lo, he did say, hence forth shall ye all be Meppers!"
    Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Zanac
      1. Strategies for diplomacy with other races
      Yes. I guess we should go and post that on Apolyton already so people don't waste their money on the P.O.S. strategy guide...

      2. An in depth discussion of space/ground combat (including what weapon authorizations do)
      Yes, basically. All of the weapons and their damages and junk are compared and listed in a chart (ground combat stuff, space combat stuff, the works).

      Once again... this is stuff easily gathered and posted online, don't waste your money if you can wait long enough for an online FAQ to be built and provided to you for free.

      3. Formulas for production, growth, weapons damage vs armor, etc
      Yup, all of that. Same message as the above though... have some patience, and you can save yourself $20.

      4. Repeating content that's already in the manual that comes with the game
      Yeah, to some extent.

      5. Did you consider it worth buying?
      Depends. I didn't buy it... someone bought it for me and I wasn't about to be rude and tell them that they completely wasted their $20 and I'd have rather gotten something else

      Would I buy it?


      At least to me, having that information has certainly helped to learn the game (though some of their advice was SO BAD that it caused me to do some stupid stuff until I learned how bad their advice really was...) but I know that an online FAQ (or more likely more than one) will be forthcoming within the next few weeks and give me the same information for $0.

      Furthermore, online strategy guides will be of SIGNIFICANTLY higher quality in terms of giving you actual suggestions on strategy than the Prima strategy guide. If you get the offical strat guide, use the tables and other information found there and not in the manual, but don't pay much attention to their advice - it stinks.... trust me, I made the mistake of following some of it early on.
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • #4
        A fair amount, not bad
        Yes, but it is not a panacea. It was worth something as I was able to read it way before I got the game.
        It did help me answer some question and that let me keep going. But as you can see by all the questions I have posted, it leaves lots missing. The tutorial for each race was just silly, it was as generic as an astrology chart in the morning paper.


        • #5
          I should have added that most strat guides should be called notes and tables as they really offer no strategy.


          • #6
            The only exception to vmxa1's rule is the SimCity 4 Strat Guide since the manual was pathetic! LoL


            • #7
              Thanks Darklighter, vmxa1, Arnelos, and of course, the great Khan ;-)

              I have a gift certificate, so I think the tables and such would be worth it for 10 bucks (I don't actually want strategy tips at this point, just mechanics). Thanks for the info everyone,



              • #8
                And remember, Great Drunkard, if money is an issue, My Holy Presence in the great Borders will shave an extra $5 off the is it worth a measley 5 bucks?

                Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...

