Anyone else getting this, playing as Human?
My empire gets to a certain size and unrest suddenly goes off the deep end. As I check planets, I see two things consistently - Piracy & Human listed as reasons.
Piracy I can understand, but why is it so prevalent on worlds where I have 6+ home defence system ships? Is piracy only combatted by STARships!? It's pervasive affect is almost over the top and forces sending starships to newly colonized systems until they get their own system ships (if that even helps). This in turn puts an interesting twist on the shell expansion\backfill expansion technique (throw your borders out, expand back intowards the core).
Now, what the heck is unrest from "Human" mean? Are my taxes too high? My HFoG (1.7)? My government type? Is my empire plain too big for Humans to like - in which case how the heck am I going to go for a sole survivor win with Humans? What does unrest from "Human" mean?
Following up to that, will I get more unrest if I send humans (or any other species) to a planet colonized by magnate races? Should I leave magnate races to grow on their own on their home planets and on planets they colonize without sending humans there via the migration control on the planets screen? Then, the same applies to any other species, correct?
... why the dickens isn't any of this stuff in the manual ... ?
My empire gets to a certain size and unrest suddenly goes off the deep end. As I check planets, I see two things consistently - Piracy & Human listed as reasons.
Piracy I can understand, but why is it so prevalent on worlds where I have 6+ home defence system ships? Is piracy only combatted by STARships!? It's pervasive affect is almost over the top and forces sending starships to newly colonized systems until they get their own system ships (if that even helps). This in turn puts an interesting twist on the shell expansion\backfill expansion technique (throw your borders out, expand back intowards the core).
Now, what the heck is unrest from "Human" mean? Are my taxes too high? My HFoG (1.7)? My government type? Is my empire plain too big for Humans to like - in which case how the heck am I going to go for a sole survivor win with Humans? What does unrest from "Human" mean?
Following up to that, will I get more unrest if I send humans (or any other species) to a planet colonized by magnate races? Should I leave magnate races to grow on their own on their home planets and on planets they colonize without sending humans there via the migration control on the planets screen? Then, the same applies to any other species, correct?
... why the dickens isn't any of this stuff in the manual ... ?