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Unrest seems a bit flaky

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  • Unrest seems a bit flaky

    I see the unrest numbers jump all over the place and often from just a few turns?
    Lately I would see values of 10-14 and look at the cause. It would say High taxes. I lowered system and empire, same story. I lower again, now down to 4 and 9% and they say the same thing. Well one says Piracy?
    What priates and where? I am also seeing too much sabatoge to suit my taste. Ok I admit I would get rid of it altogether if I could as I can in SEIV.
    But really I have good spy traits, 2 of each types of spies in the holding tank, Oppression at 8 and they blow up gov buildings? I really hate seeing several spy related events each turn, come on, let make it sensible.
    I could see it say every 15 to 20 turns for a decent level of counter tactics in place and higher if you are not taking proper steps.

  • #2
    If stuff is getting through with your oppressometer at 8 then they are very high tech spies (New Orions...) A couple of turns with oppressometer at 10 and empire taxes at 3% should help clear them out. If you can trade techs with anyone else to gain extra spy boosters then its worth doing. Most sides will take a good 3:1 trade.

    Piracy is automatically generated by every colonised world, so it gets significant as your empire grows. Every hull size of ship present in the system helps suppress piracy. I keep my obsolete ships in the reserves to pull out as pirate stompers in newly colonised/captured systems. Once your worlds build a planetary shield and a couple of system ships they will have no piracy problems.

    If you allocate some money in your finance tab to morale and leave a couple of old ships in each new 4system it should keep all but the worst morale problems at bay.
    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


    • #3
      Sounds good to me, except for the trade part. I have unstood that no one like to trade with the I-cools, that is why I took them. I do not want to have any thing but war (repulsive for me).


      • #4
        Unrest is something they need to patch.

        It sucks when my Opressometer was OFF, taxes were low, and thousands of AU were going to fix unrest, and half my planets revolted.

        Btw, I had like...10+ social spies on defense, and like 10 others sitting around. Unrest is phooey
        Veni, vidi, vici.
        [I came, I saw, I conquered].
        -- Gaius Julius Caesar

