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Is there any point?

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  • Is there any point?

    I'm in the middle of a 500 turn 16 civ(hard) huge game and with each turn it's getting more tedious. I turned off the senate victory since it's so random. At no point in the game did i feel i was in trouble since i know the AI refuse to invade me. Sure they can blockade one of my system but all i have to do is build a fleet with the other systems. And i don't have to worry about money since even with the setting on spending i manage to get 1.1m in savings and still have 400 ship fleets.

    Oh the so call X victory is almost as pointless as the spies. You don't actually get to pick the ship to explorer, oh no, the AI does that for you. You have no idea what's going on until they report to find an artifact or one of your ship is lost. So far i have got 3 artifact with no idea what they do.

    Combat late in game turn to a joke since the enemy AI seem to love system ships and short range attack. I had a battle with my 150 carriers, missle, and long range attack against 110 enemy ships, only to lose 8 ship while wiping out the enemy. Only people to put up a chanllage are the New Orions but by now i can easily out produce them.

    It seems that all you need is a decent develop plan and micro manage couple of your system to build capital ships, you will win every time.

  • #2
    Try playing a small cluster on max pop hard. You won't have a chance to get your feet planted before you start getting massacred.


    • #3
      Small cluster game ends way too soon, plus on those map you really need to micro all you planet. The key is to build lots of missle ships and bases. The invading fleets gets slaughtered by the missles. Besides the AI rarly if ever invades, you can fight through blockades. Most people lose because they think they'll never catch up, but if you can win every time if you stick to it.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Harry Seldon
        Try playing a small cluster on max pop hard. You won't have a chance to get your feet planted before you start getting massacred.
        Huh? have you played the game?.

        Playing a small cluster is just as easy instead of 100 ships killing 80 enemy ships you'll just have 20 ships killing 15 enemy ships.

        And no you CANT looses planets on small clusters even.


        • #5
          And no you CANT looses planets on small clusters even.
          I don't understand what this means. As for fleet sizes, how long does it take you to build them? I'm up to turn 200 on a large easy board w/ 16 and I don't have a one hundred ship fleet. So maybe I should ask if you have played the game.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Harry Seldon

            I don't understand what this means. As for fleet sizes, how long does it take you to build them? I'm up to turn 200 on a large easy board w/ 16 and I don't have a one hundred ship fleet. So maybe I should ask if you have played the game.

            Should read "And no you CANT loose planets on small clusters even."

            About the numbers I was just picking them from my head they were not exact, never ment to be but they explained the point. Anyway back to your statement:

            Originally posted by Harry Seldon Try playing a small cluster on max pop hard. You won't have a chance to get your feet planted before you start getting massacred.

            No you wont be massaced you'll just be happy bacause the game will end sooner. Because its less worlds to conquer from the pathetic AI. Instead of killing the AI with 100 ships or whatever how many you need on bigger worlds you'll be killing it with around 20 ships.


            • #7
              What races are you playing with? I've tried humanoids and bugs so far. The humanoids seem to stink at building ships but I ran rampant with the Tachidi.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Harry Seldon
                What races are you playing with? I've tried humanoids and bugs so far. The humanoids seem to stink at building ships but I ran rampant with the Tachidi.
                My favorites so far are Avon and the Tacheon Bugs.


                • #9
                  The Evon are, so far, my favorite race.

                  Personally, I modify them to reduce environment, economics, and some of their combat advantages in favor of manufacturing and mining, but that's personal taste.

                  The Evon rock.

                  'nuff said.
                  Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                  Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                  7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

