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Can I tell which race is in my colony ship?

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  • Can I tell which race is in my colony ship?

    Later on in a game, when I had at least two other races in addition to my own, I had at least one instance where a planet controlled wholly by another race built a colony ship. Only problem was, due to a lack of available planets, I had a bunch of colony ships sitting in my reserves, and now I couldn't tell which one was the new one. This kinda matters when the world I'm looking at is sweet spot for the race I want and red 2 for the race I don't.

    So, is there any way to tell what race is in a colony vessel? I couldn't find one when I was trying to set up the TF.

  • #2
    Can you tell by ship design? Unless your magnate is a similar species, you should be able to tell that way.


    • #3
      I believe they got my graphics, regardless, but I might be able to check. I think that's especially an issue for magnates, who I don't believe have their own ship graphics.


      • #4
        No, they do not have different grahpics. A quick fix if your willing to manually control colony ships is to rename the same class of colony ships with a prefix to indicate which race is on board.


        • #5
          I wonder if one day someone will mod the game to make different skins for all the they will all be different.
          Veni, vidi, vici.
          [I came, I saw, I conquered].
          -- Gaius Julius Caesar


          • #6
            If it's a question of renaming the class of ship, under the circumstances I'd rather just obsolete them entirely once I assimilate another race and then build them on an as-needed basis. It'd be nice if I didn't have to do that, if I could just let them go into the reserves and pull out whichever one was appropriate for the planet I wish to colonize.

