I ordered a ship built, it said it was built, so where the heck is it?!?!? I waited four turns, recalling something from earlier versions about filling the hull, but there is NO indication on what is happening!!! What am I missing here (besides my SHIPS?!?!?)
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Where in the universe are my ships??!?
When you build a ship or land army they go into their respective reserves. You have to build a task force and on the next turn the ship will be there.
Remeber if you take a ship out of a task force it will take a few turns for it to return to the reserves.
Yes, newly built ships go into the reserves. You can see what's in your reserves on the Shipyards/Fleets screen. If you have any fleets in reserve, they're always listed at the top of the task force list. Ships that you take out of a task force or disband show up in the Delay Box and are unavailable for about five turns. If you have ships in the Delay Box, that too will show up on this screen, right under the Reserves. (Kind of like the penalty box in ice hockey, you get a five minute game misconduct and have to play short-handed for awhile. ) Also, when you land troops on another planet, the Transports go into the Delay Box and then show up back in Reserves later.