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Inability to Access Infogrames Boards

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  • Inability to Access Infogrames Boards

    The Infogrames boards had quite a bit of useful information about changing the game fonts, as well as some other user "tweaks". For the last two days, however, I have not been able to get into the Infogrames community, nor access the MOO3 boards.

    Is the Infogrames Boards down?

    Has anyone else had problems logging into and accessing the MOO3 boards over there?

    I was worried that they may have shut the boards down as there was quite a bit of negative posting concering MOO3 of late.

    I really wanted to try the font changes which were detailed over there, but cannot seem to get back into the board?

    Any help greatly appreciated!

  • #2
    I have been able to access IG MOO no problem.


    • #3
      Could I be blocked?

      Appreciated the prompt information.

      Is it possible I have been blocked?

      I did not post anything there.

      When I tried to re-register, it pops up a screen saying "you are already registered".


      • #4

        I finally found out how to get around that logon screen. When I logged out, there was a message saying all cookies cleared....and then I could log on and view the boards. If anyone else has problems logging on there, try logging out, and then logging back on.

