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  • combat lol

    Damn couldnt they even try to do a better job with the graphics? I mean I can barely even SEE the damn ships. Just use 2d sprites with big ICONS pasted on the screen if u have such a hard time even making the ships VISIBLE lol.


    You spend 50 turns to build a cruiser and u get a tiny dot u can barely see as a result.. lol I think the last time I saw graphics like that were on Atari... thats part of the things that make the game more robotic. At least the diplomacy is done nice. But damn space combat is the ****s lol... but functionally it seems to work.

  • #2
    You know you can zoom in on the battle, right?

    doesn't help all that much, they still look, well...

    On a similar note,
    I see ships fading in and out, are they cloaking?


    • #3
      Yeah, the fading is the cloaking process.
      The Total Mecha RPG Project

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      • #4
        the problem with the graphics is that this game began creation a LONG time and they set the graphics resolution to what was then about average for the industry. After long delays, teh industry changed, but not the specifications for graphics in the game. End result equals less than stellar graphics


        • #5
          Not true, the ship graphics in MOO2 were much more impressive than the ones in MOO3, I actually felt like I was controlling a HUGE army.

          I don't recall adding a cloaking device to my ships either.


          • #6
            ECM and ECCM are figured into combat visual range. Don't consider it cloaking, consider it the fog of war. Your ECM sets your basic visual range, but their ECCM reduces it.

            The ships are definetyl to small, but since we're supposed to be doing fleet combat, it isn't as big a deal. Once you get around 16 cruisers, it looks a bit better.

            But control is pretty basic. Not a lot of tactical options for the player.

            One ship that does look great though, is the guardians. Nice and big. I've only seen one, does anyone know if they all look the same?
            By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


            • #7
              i had this hillarious moment where it was a 1 on 1 scout battle, and i started losing, and i started to scream "YOU MORON! SHOOT BETTER THAN HE DOES!"

              and then, somehow, he did, and i won with a hair of HP left
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #8
                eXperience........ lol

