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How to do diplomacy?

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  • How to do diplomacy?

    I had the highest diplomacy rating possible (Imsaeis + empathic), and I started in the orion senate. I thought that would turn out great for them. I quickly got just about every kind of agreement with everyone, however everyone (except the trilarian, friggen whores) started liking me less and less and less. Finally the Meklar declared war on me out of the blue, luckily I was on the other side of the middle of the galaxy than them, and I had information on them from my contacts. They tried to get the senate to declare war on me, and isolate, but thankfully that never worked.

    In moo2, all you needed was any agreement at all, and relations would slowly improve. Now it seems to just go down. What am I doing wrong?

  • #2
    Hmm, if you are already at the max in relations, where can it go? Down hill or static?
    I do not experience relations slowly improving in Moo2. If any thing they soon fall to pieces unless you are chrismatic. I like Repulsive so I do not have relation/diplomacy.


    • #3
      I've seen the improving relationships in MoO2. Create a Non-aggression agreement with a race, wait a while, and the slider moves towards the green, unless you've been doing something to annoy the race in question. Often they'll agree to that, but I have to wait for the slider to move before I can get Trade/Research agreements.

