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Bugs in MoO3 - Post here

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  • #16
    I have had a problem with the shortcuts on top row of keys (esc, f1...). They do not work sometimes, and sometimes they do.

    If it is system related I have:
    xp pro, 1 gig p3 processor, 512 ram, 20 & 40 gig hard drives, logitech internet navigator keyboard.
    I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy


    • #17
      132/131 Capacity, but still possible to be build:

      (I just love how you can convert MoO3 screenshots to gifs without quality loss... )


      • #18
        Bug in the finance screen:

        Just a few turns into the game my empire income is about 170 AU. I press the turn button, looked at the top bar and saw that all of a sudden I am running deficit of "2.5k" AU per turn.

        So I go to the finance screen and military spending, research, planentry grants are all huge numbers... but my income is still about 170 AU.

        Whoa, glad I caught that one or I would have been digging myself out of debt for the next million cycles!


        • #19
          1.1) The UI is a mess: All boxes/screens you open should have a close botton, but some don't (planet screen/star sytem and planet double-clicking and task force double-clicking). The interface should also be 100% mouse oriented, it's annoying having to press - or G to get back to galactic view. Also, there should be more undo / confirm / cancel buttons: Orion Senate while voting for president, Budget screen, Empire screens, etc..
          Finally, some description boxes with long text have a scroll bar, if you use that scroll bar to go down in the description and then change to another object that doesn't require a scroll bar, the description box will show up in the position where you left the other one, meaning that sometimes the description box will appear empty or with the bottom part of the description and there's no way of going back up (unless you click again on a description with a scroll bar and go back up)

          1.2) More UI: While saving a game, i can't select the gamesave i want to overwrite with the mouse and then save it. Also, the text boxes don't allow me to select all the text in the box and then overwrite it with a touch of a key, i have to delete it first.

          2) If i have a TF above an enemy's / neutral planet that doesn't have any defenses, i have to order the TF to blockade it or assault it every turn. There should be an option in the task force window to attack the planet, so blockading it would be automatic. If an enemy fleet comes by or if the planet builds defenses, then the combat menu should appear.

          3) I should have the option to attack the planet i want to in a solar system. I've came by the situation of having the enemy's homeworld as the 4th planet from the sun and having to conquer the 5th and 6th planet first before getting to the 4th.
          EDIT: Never mind 3), i just found out that i can choose the planet to attack in the combat scheduler.

          For now that's it, if i remember more stuff, i'll post it.
          Last edited by tjno2; March 2, 2003, 15:56.


          • #20
            Not an error but certainly makes it unplayable--

            Starting a game on a huge 3 arm galaxy, if you don't start in the Orion Senate, someone will get elected before you can get conact with anyone in it (~150 turns). To make things worse, it is currently next to impossible to actually be added into the senate. I'd suggest for that, that anyone with full alliances with say, two members of the senate, are automatically members.


            • #21
              Originally posted by CharlesBHoff
              I get than Direct X surface unavailable on the load game screen. I than going to try Direct X 9. What cause this is there than patch comeing out.
              has anyone else had trouble figuring out what he said?

              I'll guess that he has trouble with directx when loading the, he is going to try installing directx 9 and then hope that a patch comes out.


              • #22
                Originally posted by H Tower

                has anyone else had trouble figuring out what he said?

                I'll guess that he has trouble with directx when loading the, he is going to try installing directx 9 and then hope that a patch comes out.
                well someone feels they are special.

                He gets a direct x surface unavailable when starting the game, or possibly loading the game screen (doesn't matter), so he's now going to try DX9. He wants to know if a lot of poeple are having this problem (yes) and if there is a patch coming out. Well yes there will be a patch coming out, and the DX surface bug will probably be fixed. However there is no telling how long into the future that is.


                • #23
                  Graphics Error: In a single sitting i probably played around 100 turns, and while i was zooming out from the planet detail to the the system detail, the image of the sun, just floated away.. LOL (driffted to the bottom of the screen slowly) and was gone for good.. Zooming by clicking on where the sun should've been didn't produce any results although the - (minus) key did the job.

                  Thankfully i was able to save & quit safely and after a restart my sun returned.


                  • #24
                    I have no problen getting into the main screen, it I want to load than game after getting surface unavailable error after trying to save than game, I can only load than old game after deleteing the latest save game file.
                    Haveing touble loading and saveing than game in any game is a major bug especial in a game like MOO 3.
                    By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


                    • #25
                      Military DEA overbuilds things you might not want - marines, scouts, transports etc. Whereas you can remove a transport/scout by way of obsoleting the design you can't stop (as far as I can tell) marines, etc. from being built.

                      Spy insertion messages kept showing the same name for my spy even though that spy was dead long ago. Problem clear itself up.

                      Colony Ship in orbit over a System with no enemy present and no matter what I try and can't get the ship to colonize the target planet.

                      Other than to wait for a bill vote, there is no real way to see how you're doing compared to other races.

                      The slider bar for research is a nightnmare to adjust. One miss click and the one you were trying to edge up a percent goes to 100.


                      • #26
                        some of these things in here sound more like problems playing for the first time than bugs

                        problems i've ran into:

                        after moving through various screens real quick, the escape key stops responding. especially out of battles and read-diplomacy-received messages

                        directx, like every one else. only when I alt tab out and back into the game. they say this isnt supported, but come on, alt tab...

                        once when i clicked a link in the siterep real quick, the screen that came up (planet view i think it was) got merged ontop of the siterep. a few escapes / - key presses fixed it though.


                        • #27
                          I am not having the direct x problem when I use the Windows key instead Alt tab.


                          • #28
                            Same problem mentioned above with perceived empire income suddenly skyrocketing on turn 3 or 4, while actual income remained low. Would have put me far into debt.

                            In ship design, I tried putting improved thrusters on a ship and it took up about 100 extra space. So I tried to switch it back and the 100 extra remained. Had to scrap the ship design to fix it, and it happened every time. Havent been able to use upgraded thrusters on any ships.

                            The research bar in the economics tab turns orange when the AU's put into it equal twice the capacity of the world. It shouldnt turn orange until it reaches three times the capacity. The final calculation is still correct, the color is just wrong.


                            • #29
                              I'm having problems with troops disappearing on planets after a draw, can't vote in the senate, AI won't attack, and the SitRep either double reports or doesn't mention some events.


                              • #30
                                Couple more I encountered over the weekend:

                                Researched Laser Gatling Gun in two different games. But could not find it in any list to add to any of my ships. This was one of my favorite weapons in MoO2, particularly in anti fighter roles.

                                Colony ships going to the same planet over and over.

                                Had the research sliders lock up on me. Couldn’t move them. When I adjusted the slider it just popped back to the position it was in. After about 50 turns when I went back and checked for the 3rd or 4th time, it was working normally again.

                                Naming a ship design, when I highlighted the old name and started to type, it didn’t type over, just made a noise. I had to erase the old name first by using the Back Space then type in the new name. Not sure if this is a bug or just something that is annoying me.

                                About 80 turns in I had the intro movie play for no reason I could see. After realizing this was nothing new I just hit esc and was back in the game where I had left it.

                                In one game I had about 40 ships, all different types and sizes in reserve. I selected to do a couple of small antarian missions and they never left. For over 80 turns I had large reserves (at one point I had over 100 ships) of many different types of ships and never did a single one ever enter the antarian groups, thus I never got a single antarian group to ever leave. I ended up winning by being elected to prez but still…
                                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

