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One Orion Senate Bug

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  • One Orion Senate Bug

    I've noticed that after I've seconded a proposal in the senate and it goes to a final vote, the small box where I assume there should be a "Yea or Nay" option doesn't seem to be visible. At first I'd second these motions and then a few turns find out that the bill was either passed or that it had failed, but wih my empire abstaining on the final vote. I was like, crap, I wasn't paying attention and didn't vote for it. Resolved to pay more attention.

    The next time a bill came through the senate, I seconded it, moved ahead one (might have been two, not sure) turn(s) and went back to the Senate screen so I could do a final vote on it. Low and behold, there was no place to actually vote and the box in the bottom right corner was greyed out, meaning I couldn't place my vote. "Hmm, weird" I thought. Just for kicks I clicked my mouse in an empty box near the top-middle of the screen and suddenly the little option at the bottom right of the window that explained the bill became clickable, as though I'd made a choice (either Yay or Nay). I clicked the box, the screen shut and I went to my next turn. SitRep displayed that the bill had passed and that I'd voted Nay on it.

    Somehow I'm just not getting the visible radio buttons or check boxes or whatever it should be when trying to vote on a senate bill.

  • #2
    I would say that if you seconded it that your vote on the proposal was unnecessary but if you were able to select an invisible box then I don't know.


    • #3
      from what I have seen, you need to come back the turn after you seconded the bill nd vote at that time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Vyshka
        from what I have seen, you need to come back the turn after you seconded the bill nd vote at that time.
        The next turn after seconding the bill, I went back to the Senate and tried to do some kind of final vote on it. Which is when I noticed the blank box where it should have presented me with some sort of option to vote.

        If I hadn't seen another thread where someone mentioned the same problem, I'd think it was just me not knowing how to vote.
        The Orion Senate interface is incomprehensible. I get a SitRep item saying "Go vote," I click the link, and I get a page inviting me to second the motion. If I second it, there's no news item the next turning telling me to vote now. If I remember to go vote the next turn, there aren't simply "YES" and "NO" buttons. I clicked around for a while trying to figure out how to vote, and eventually voted Nay without even seeing anything labled "Nay." This whole process needs an overhaul: a) the SitRep items should correctly specify whether voting or seconding is required, b) the SitRep should report for each required participation, not only the first, and c) the "Yea" and "Nay" buttons should be locatable!
        I think he came across the "hidden/lost" vote options I couldn't seem to find also.


        • #5
          Hey Guys,

          Uhm...if you seconded a bill doesn't that AUTOMATICALLY count as a yes vote? If you weren't in favor of the bill why would you seocnd it? While it may be a bug, I'm not sure, I would hope its just that your vote automatically was cast in favor of the measure.


          • #6
            Re: One Orion Senate Bug

            LordGek - That is contrary to the initial post. (emphasis added)

            Originally posted by DecoyTPH
            At first I'd second these motions and then a few turns find out that the bill was either passed or that it had failed, but wih my empire abstaining on the final vote.


            • #7

              Sorry, I missed the abstaining part, my bad.


              • #8
                Happened to me too. I assumed that seconding a bill implies that I would say Yay. Anything else doesn't make sense.
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                • #9
                  I went to play the game last night and all of a sudden I can see the vote options the turn after seconding a bill. Uhh.. it fixed itself?


                  • #10
                    Nope, had the same problem, about 2 out of 5 votes it didn't appear, even though you could still vote. Just a gray area. Must be a graphics problem.
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