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How is the in game music??

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  • #16


    • #17
      That's excellent. Last night I started a game with the Ithkul while listening to Merzbow.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rantz
        no, it's not. Brian Williams composed all of the MOO3 stuff without every even *hearing* any of the MOO2 stuff.
        Thanks Rantz for confirming that detail. I did think it a bit strange hearing that Moo2 music was used in Moo3. Oh and bytheway the three sample songs you have in cool stuff for your official website sound VERY COOL!!! Brian Williams did a good job, and so did you in hiring him I still don't have the game yet but ever yearning for my moo. Cya in the threads dude.

        p.s. The "love song for Harvester" is the best. Is that an ingame song or in diplomacy? Or am I just going to have to find out?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Harry Seldon
          KMFDM or MDFMK?
          either, I like both, but for different reasons. Didn't like 'Adios' as a whole, but thought 'Attak' was pretty good. MDFMK, especially the first two tracks, are 'angry-driving-in-LA' music
          Rantz Hoseley
          Art Director
          Quicksilver Software, Inc.


          • #20
            My complaint with the MoO3 background music is the same one I had with MoO2's. It's boring as hell after the first 5 minutes...

            and, as with MoO2, I really like the DIPLOMACY music for each race, but you only get to hear those when you're conducting diplomacy with that given race

            The rest of the time you just hear the same stupid track over and over and over and over.

            It doesn't matter how good or bad the music is, that's going to get boring QUICK.

            I plan to do the same thing I did with MoO2 and just play mp3's rather than listen to the game's dull background music.

            But as with MoO2, I'd like to hear the music with the diplomacy screens... that music is pretty good (and doesn't get boring as fast because you hear it so infrequently).
            Last edited by Arnelos; February 28, 2003, 18:17.
            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • #21
              no, it's not. Brian Williams composed all of the MOO3 stuff without every even *hearing* any of the MOO2 stuff.
              Wow, its uncanny how he could produce nearly identical music without ever hearing MOOII - I mean, how many posts here think is sounds the same - several. If its not noticeably different, what's the point?

              Its ok tho, I never have the music on anyway - after about 300 repetitions, one's brain goes completely numb.

              BIG BUMMER: On my WinXP 1.6GHz machine when I alt-tab or ctrl-esc to try and open WinAmp - even when nothing else is running - it ALWAYS freezes up MOO3. So I've pretty much gotta set up a giant WinAmp queue before I start playing. Oh well. It hasn't crashed DURING play yet, so I guess that's somethin'


              • #22
                Originally posted by Arnelos
                My complaint with the MoO3 background music is the same one I had with MoO2's. It's boring as hell after the first 5 minutes...
                Well screw you and your pony music tastes!!!!!!!

                MOO2 has the best in game track of any game Ive ever played

                I yearn for happier times when in game msic was really cool, like Turrican and Shadow of the beast.
                The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


                • #23
                  I was very disappointed by the music. It's of the moody background type. There is not a single memorable theme that sticks, like the Antaran theme from Moo2, or the Klackon theme from Moo1. I can still whistle those.

                  Moo3's music is just... there.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Destroyer
                    MOO2 has the best in game track of any game Ive ever played
                    Which repeated itself ad naseum, as with MoO3's background music.

                    My problem isn't so much that the music is bland as that it repeats forever and thus gets old quickly.

                    As for musical taste, I have no problem with MoO2 and MoO3's OTHER music (the diplomacy music for each race), as they don't play too often and they actually have some interesting elements.

                    I know the aim with MoO3's music was to make it inobtrusive so it didn't distract the player, but personally I'd rather have music that was a bit more intrusive

                    So I'll play mp3's of other space music
                    Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                    Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                    7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                    • #25
                      Actually, Ive got a crap load of space/sci-fi mp3's myself , about 110 tracks, which eork really well for civ, as the music on that is really poor, and the effects are just for show really. The only really annoying thing is the birds tweeting, despite all sound effects being off.

                      I expect Moo3 will be a more immersive experience.
                      The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.

