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First Impressions?

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  • #46
    "I think his point was that he should have lost a loong time ago. Ai not being up to task. Capisce?"

    Yes that is my point. I expect to lose but how long will it take? I am up to turn 200.


    • #47
      Well, depending on the difficulty level it'll take a while. A lot of people - BTs included, are now saying that the AI isn't aggressive enough. I'd agree with that - when I can stay at peace with Ithkul without trying for 150 turns, there's something of a problem.

      You won't lose the game any time soon, but I don't think you'll do that great a job of winning.

      So far, I have had a blast with my custom tachidi. They're cute. There are a number of things that truly bother me about the game, and I'm still having fun. I love little touches like the magnate civs flocking to the red worlds that they like better. I like that my people get restless about new tech and protest development of farms. That's funny and fun to me. I like that when you filter your planets via the checkboxes, then check out individual ones, the forward/back arrows go through that specific set of planets. If you want to quickly go through and fix all the unrest planets, you can do it real quick-like. For instance.

      There is a lot to dislike as well, and I can see exactly why someone might not like this game, especially after playing MoO2. The lack of a soul is the biggest thing. But so far, I'm having a grand time, even though I'm not entirely sure what all I'm doing.

      It was amusing being voted out of the senate. Heh.


      • #48
        newbie perspective

        hello all

        since there seems to be no consistancy with the subject lines of the threads matching the content...may I please be allowed to rant a bit...thus purging all the pent up responces I have been building up as a lurker?!...

        ok here goes grumbling from the peanut gallery....I have been playing strat games and roll playing ad&d, gurps, rifts,etc... for 16 years and the major common denominator in my opinion is player I know this is not PC; however, my "OPINION" is that as long as the games logic skelaton is workable... the rest depends on how good your imagination is...

        I mean lets face it we don't yet have a holodeck to play with so...all games require some sort of imagination..and personaly the main thing that has me hooked with moo universe is the story!

        I think that give everyone a month or two and moo3 will find its nitch...just like moo, and moo2...and many others did..why?
        'cause as Rantz and others have said it was a labour of love and that is the thing that is hard (not impossable) to fake....

        thanks for listening
        Last edited by azuldracul; February 28, 2003, 18:05.
        " It is from the character of our adversary's position that we can draw conclusions as to his designs and will therfore act accordingly"
        - karl Von Clausewitz


        • #49
          Originally posted by Comrade Tribune

          I think his point was that he should have lost a loong time ago. Ai not being up to task. Capisce?
          Certo, capisco.

          Ok. So the AI may be up to the task of managing to keep a player's empire alive for 200 turns? That seems good to me. I want the AI in a TBS game to be good, otherwise I'll have to do all the micromanaging myself; acceptable at the start but a pain in the butt in the mid and late games.

          Do you remember the build queues that Alpha Centauri's governors (if that's the right term) used to come up with? If MOO3's viceroys can do better than that I for one am happy.


          If you don't know what to do then stop clicking end-of-turn now. Read these fora, read the manual, read the Beta tester's AARs, read the readme. Play some test games where you try different plans and see how your empire reacts to these. Take a long time on the first turn setting things up. Then take a fair amount of time looking at what things are changing. Then try to relate these changes to things you've done.

          Eventually, you'll either start having fun or you won't. But, if you want to enjoy TBS games, you have to try these things.
          If a man speaks in a forest and there is no woman to hear him... is he still wrong?


          • #50
            No. If you want to enjoy _this particular TBS game_ you have to do these things, which are pretty alien to most folks who are used to the massive MM involved in TBSs.


            • #51
              Originally posted by kalbear
              No. If you want to enjoy _this particular TBS game_ you have to do these things, which are pretty alien to most folks who are used to the massive MM involved in TBSs.
              A hands-off approach is ok with me; but I don´t want it *forced* on me.

              Even more importantly, I want to *know the rules*, *beforehand*.

              If I want things completely unintelligible, so that nothing really makes sense, I´d try real life.
              Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

              Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


              • #52
                First Impressions? Steep learning curve. Not very elegant or intuitive. Lack of control. (Guess I'm a micromanager. I wanted to shoot a few viceroys )
                "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
                "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
                2004 Presidential Candidate
                2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


                • #53
                  Give the chick guy some credit

                  Very first game, long-time MOO player, but knowing absolutely nothing from the MOO3 strategy guides etc. -- except maybe what I've read on this board.

                  Played Nommo, on all the default settings (easy).
                  Pretty much clicked "turn" until turn 198, when I won a senate victory. Not exactly fun.

                  About every ten turns, I checked out the diplomancy messages that popped up. Didn't know what technology I was exchanging, but I exchanged some, established some non-agression pacts, did this, did that. Kinda random. The rahs declared war about every fifth turn and then made peace about every fifth turn after that. Maybe they attacked somewhere, I couldn't tell. One of the other races -- hegl(alpha soup) -- declared war too. Kept sending 3 ships into my home system where my 18 or so ships destroyed them. Good job, viceroys, I guess. I watched the battles once or twice back around turn 90 or so. Didn't see much point to it after that. (And I still don't know when the heglxxx systems were.)

                  I never designed a new ship (I think I was still building with laser cannons at the end).

                  I set colonization on auto at about turn 30 or so. Never created a planet dev plan until around turn 160 -- just to see what that was about.

                  Final "power ranking" was 5. My biggest advantage over the other races at the end was total prod points (20199) about 3x the average race. My tech ratings were 25+ when I "won" -- highest in the game. I think I had plasma cannons (the ole MOO2 favs) by then. Who knows. Total pop 618.

                  Is this the current state of computer game design? Pretty freakin deplorable.

                  I guess I'll try again on hard or something, but I'm not really looking forward to it.

