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Master of Orion III manual

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  • #16
    ah, that stuff isn't what manuals are for. Half of the fun of this kind of game right after release is the community compiling this kind of information.

    The first month after release people will compile all the stats/costs/etc.

    After that there is 2 months of analysis and debate reguarding the stats/costs/strats.

    If there is a healthy multiplayer community, at the 2+ month mark game in practice strategies take over, and are debated, and refined. This can go on for years. Nerf demands will be set forth, and counters to 'overpowered' strats are suggested and debated.

    If there isn't a healthy multiplayer community after the 2 month mark... I find the game tends to stagnate. People aren't pushed to find better ways of doing things.


    • #17
      i'm old school too, but those kinds of manuals jammed full of stats and the like just aren't nessecary now days with the amount of game information you have access to.


      • #18
        Its the sort of stuff a strat guide used to do, but I guess these days with internet sites rivalling each other to have the info up free within days of it being released, strategy books have had to go for the early publication of more vague material to make money.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #19
          I like to find how things work by myself. I like to read the manual before I install the game, but only to find out about some basic functions and general settings. The rest I like to discover while I'm playing the game.
          I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


          • #20
            Does anyone know if there is also a pdf version of the manual?
            Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

            Do It Ourselves


            • #21
              I Heard that there is a PDF on the second disc.
              Whatever goes up, better doggon well stay up...


              • #22
                There *IS* a PDF on disk 2, yes.

                i will also say, don't jump into this game without reading the manual. If you are priviledged with the paper version, keep it in your bathroom, on your nightstand, and sleep with it in your bed at night. Otherwise, you are asking for total frustration.

                For instance:
                MOO3 had Production Points, Mining Points, and Industrial Output. do you know what the difference it? How about the difference between TestTubes and Research Points? What's the difference between techs being "ready to go", "in prototype phase", and "on the horizon"? etc.


                • #23
                  I love a good manual. I usually read through most of it before firing up my first game, and I'll read it over and over again until I've almost memorized it. Shoot, I've had games where the manual was more interesting than the game itself. I hope MOO3 isn't one of those...


                  • #24
                    Who need manual? It will just spoil the game.
                    Better is play without manual at least few tens hours.

                    What's the difference between techs being "ready to go", "in prototype phase", and "on the horizon"? etc.

                    I prefer using brain and learn it from game. It is a lot more fun,r Ishould rather say interesting.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by raghar
                      Who need manual? It will just spoil the game.
                      Better is play without manual at least few tens hours.

                      What's the difference between techs being "ready to go", "in prototype phase", and "on the horizon"? etc.

                      I prefer using brain and learn it from game. It is a lot more fun,r Ishould rather say interesting.
                      Yeah, well, when you've played for ten hours and still don't know a thing, come back here and let me tell you "I told ya so!"


                      • #26
                        Can anyone post the .pdf of the manual or provide a link to where you can download it?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by meprince
                          Can anyone post the .pdf of the manual or provide a link to where you can download it?
                          absolutely not.

                          1) it contains harvester pix / history / info
                          2) it's probably illegal to transmit
                          3) you would be in the most serious trouble you could imagine


                          • #28
                            absolutely not.

                            1) it contains harvester pix / history / info
                            2) it's probably illegal to transmit
                            3) you would be in the most serious trouble you could imagine
                            I would like to submit that at least _I_ can imagine more trouble than putting up a .pdf of a game manual.

                            Say, blowing up a couple of buildings and hiding out in afghanistan is more trouble than posting a .pdf of a game manual.

                            Just a thought


                            • #29
                              Or you could park in a handicap space without a pass!!!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by booje
                                Well I'm an old tyme gamer and ah rememba waaay back in the early 90's that SOME games came with thick manuals that were chock-filled with everyting, charts, stories, diagrams....

                                Not to compare apples and oranges but "NeverWinter Nights" has a GREAT manual plus they give you a little map!

                                The manual for "Age of Wonders 2" is also pretty good.
                                I can agree when it comes to the manuals for Neverwinter Nights and Age of Wonders 2, since I own both games. I was particularly impressed with how many charts and details are in the Age of Wonders 2 manual.... not THAT'S a game manual. It's not even that large, but what is there is actual INFORMATION about gameplay mechanics
                                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

