ah, that stuff isn't what manuals are for. Half of the fun of this kind of game right after release is the community compiling this kind of information.
The first month after release people will compile all the stats/costs/etc.
After that there is 2 months of analysis and debate reguarding the stats/costs/strats.
If there is a healthy multiplayer community, at the 2+ month mark game in practice strategies take over, and are debated, and refined. This can go on for years. Nerf demands will be set forth, and counters to 'overpowered' strats are suggested and debated.
If there isn't a healthy multiplayer community after the 2 month mark... I find the game tends to stagnate. People aren't pushed to find better ways of doing things.
The first month after release people will compile all the stats/costs/etc.
After that there is 2 months of analysis and debate reguarding the stats/costs/strats.
If there is a healthy multiplayer community, at the 2+ month mark game in practice strategies take over, and are debated, and refined. This can go on for years. Nerf demands will be set forth, and counters to 'overpowered' strats are suggested and debated.
If there isn't a healthy multiplayer community after the 2 month mark... I find the game tends to stagnate. People aren't pushed to find better ways of doing things.