With the apparent imminent layoffs of the development team, can we assume that there will be no future patches and upgrades to the game?
I'll be highly distressed about this if it is the case. I'd been counting upon some "massaging" of the basic game by the development team, perhaps a patch or two with a few tweaks and upgrades...maybe even an add-on disk like the one to Alpha Centauri, that added so much to that game.
Cripes, I hate bean-counters and land-sharks (lawyers).
I'll be highly distressed about this if it is the case. I'd been counting upon some "massaging" of the basic game by the development team, perhaps a patch or two with a few tweaks and upgrades...maybe even an add-on disk like the one to Alpha Centauri, that added so much to that game.
Cripes, I hate bean-counters and land-sharks (lawyers).
