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Suffering moo withdrawl, please HELP!!!

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  • Suffering moo withdrawl, please HELP!!!

    ok, so someone who owns the computer i use (i can't afford one for myself yet) installs win2000 (and from win98SE it is a SERIOUS downgrade!!!) and then i get the hankering for a good old game of the classic 4x game of MOO2, i install it, no problem, i try playing it, and the screen truns black for a moment like it is going to work, then it boots me to the desktop with it claiming the game is still running (and it seems to be true, i can switch to it, but it keeps just booting me to the desktop. so i am just suffering some MAJOR withdrawl symptoms, and i need some of that MOOey goodness, i have proof that i own that games but what good is that if they don't run on win2000, please help!!! is there some program that help? is there a patch i never heard about? did someone remake them to work on win200? if i buy the 10.00 game at Gamestop will it work? PLEASE HELP!!!!

  • #2
    what? no comments? please help!


    • #3
      Search this forum and archives, I am pretty sure this question has been answered before.
      (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
      (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
      (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


      • #4
        I am sorry, but Win2000 is the only Win system, that I never really used, so I do not have much to add.


        • #5
          Have you tried editing some of the settings for the shortcut to the game? Try checking screen size and memory settings. I think you can change the refresh rate, too.


          • #6
            Thnaks, I'll try those as soon as i can.


            • #7
              I don't think this is a general Win2K problem as I've been able to play the DOS version on W95, W98, W2K and WinXP without problems.
              The Windows version had mouse cursor lockups on W2K on my PC IIRC


              • #8
                There's a pretty good chance you will not be able to play MOO1, 2 or 3 on Windows 2000. Win2K is not designed to support games very well. It is designed to be a Network Operating System. NOT a system for home use or playing games. The funny thing is Windows XP Pro is also designed for Networking, but Microsoft has incorporated much better support for 16-bit applications. This would be all of your old dos games. Also supports 32-bit applications designed for the 9X family better than Win2K. Still won't play all games, but XP will do better than Win2K. You could try dual booting Win 98 and Win2K.


                • #9
                  Ugh, WinXP is the devil's workshop. I haven't found too many games that won't run on 2000 but I'm not a PC game connoisseur like most on this forum. 2000 provides a merging of the 9x and NT tech according to MS and it'll play all the games I need it to.


                  • #10
                    your not using a shortcut are you?

                    also go to file and see how much ems it has (same as moo1? as in DOS?)

