ok, so someone who owns the computer i use (i can't afford one for myself yet) installs win2000 (and from win98SE it is a SERIOUS downgrade!!!) and then i get the hankering for a good old game of the classic 4x game of MOO2, i install it, no problem, i try playing it, and the screen truns black for a moment like it is going to work, then it boots me to the desktop with it claiming the game is still running (and it seems to be true, i can switch to it, but it keeps just booting me to the desktop. so i am just suffering some MAJOR withdrawl symptoms, and i need some of that MOOey goodness, i have proof that i own that games but what good is that if they don't run on win2000, please help!!! is there some program that help? is there a patch i never heard about? did someone remake them to work on win200? if i buy the 10.00 game at Gamestop will it work? PLEASE HELP!!!!
