Just curious & bored, so polling favourite techs out of each tree. List one per tree, though you can give honourable mentions if you're so inclined. Doesn't have to be the sexiest in the tree overall, but it should be a standout tech relative to its tech level.
For me,
Computers: Robotic control N. Practically a must-have to be able to keep up in research. Honourable mention to improved/advanced space scanner for being very useful.
Construction: A tough call, lots of useful stuff but not much sticks out. Probably go with auto-repair since it makes huge ships actually worthwhile to build.
Force Fields: Planetary shield V. Get this at TL12 and laugh at most AI attack forces in the early-mid game before the AIs get their weapons tech up to TL 25 or so (miniaturized AM bombs). Repulsor beam gets an honourable mention too.
Planetology: Soil Enrichment/Advanced Soil Enrichment. Basic terraforming is pretty easy to get ahold of, so everyone gets some. Soil enrichment can really give you a big boost toward getting 1/3 galactic pop and vote immunity, not to mention the research/production benefit. Planetology in general is probably the most important tree in the game as a result. Atmospheric terraforming gets an honourable mention for the same reason, depending on how many hostile planets you have.
Propulsion: I'll go with a non-obvious choice and say Fusion drive. This isn't the first drive you can go on the offensive with, nor is it the fastest drive, but it is a very nice early drive -- it allows a combat move of 3 (4 with stabilizer) which is critical for bombers, and allows pop transport and fleet movement at a decent rate, and miniaturizes nicely. If I have it, this is my default drive for most of the game, unless I'm using small ships. Honourable mention to the ever-popular HEF and Star Gates for big maps.
Weapons: The biggest tree in the game, makes for some tough choices.
I'll have to go with Stinger missles, probably the first really good offensive missles as they are the first with a +5 damage increment rather than a +2 damage increment. They are great on raiders (shoot & scoot missle boats) in the mid-game and are still useful later on small ships as a cheap supplemental punch to your beam attackers.
I wonder if the fact that I prefer the first half of the tech tree over the last half shows through at all?
For me,
Computers: Robotic control N. Practically a must-have to be able to keep up in research. Honourable mention to improved/advanced space scanner for being very useful.
Construction: A tough call, lots of useful stuff but not much sticks out. Probably go with auto-repair since it makes huge ships actually worthwhile to build.
Force Fields: Planetary shield V. Get this at TL12 and laugh at most AI attack forces in the early-mid game before the AIs get their weapons tech up to TL 25 or so (miniaturized AM bombs). Repulsor beam gets an honourable mention too.
Planetology: Soil Enrichment/Advanced Soil Enrichment. Basic terraforming is pretty easy to get ahold of, so everyone gets some. Soil enrichment can really give you a big boost toward getting 1/3 galactic pop and vote immunity, not to mention the research/production benefit. Planetology in general is probably the most important tree in the game as a result. Atmospheric terraforming gets an honourable mention for the same reason, depending on how many hostile planets you have.
Propulsion: I'll go with a non-obvious choice and say Fusion drive. This isn't the first drive you can go on the offensive with, nor is it the fastest drive, but it is a very nice early drive -- it allows a combat move of 3 (4 with stabilizer) which is critical for bombers, and allows pop transport and fleet movement at a decent rate, and miniaturizes nicely. If I have it, this is my default drive for most of the game, unless I'm using small ships. Honourable mention to the ever-popular HEF and Star Gates for big maps.
Weapons: The biggest tree in the game, makes for some tough choices.

I wonder if the fact that I prefer the first half of the tech tree over the last half shows through at all?
