Originally posted by playshogi
One of the differences from the user guide and DanQ's review is that in the user guide it says that your race modifications have to add up to zero. In DanQ's review it seems like that is not true. Of course, nothing in the user guide is fixed in stone, but it seems that it would be a good idea that for every advantageous change you make you ought to take on a disadvantage. I think these race picks will make the game unbalanced for multiplayer.
One of the differences from the user guide and DanQ's review is that in the user guide it says that your race modifications have to add up to zero. In DanQ's review it seems like that is not true. Of course, nothing in the user guide is fixed in stone, but it seems that it would be a good idea that for every advantageous change you make you ought to take on a disadvantage. I think these race picks will make the game unbalanced for multiplayer.
so every advantage does come with a disadvantage (it would totally suck otherwise)
The trick is to find the disadvantages that dont hurt you so bad and the dadvantages that help the most...hehe