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If MOO3 doesn't come out this month...

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  • If MOO3 doesn't come out this month...

    ...then i am either spending the money i kept in reserve for the game for another game, or buy myself some more clothes

    tough being a girl and a geek at the same time


  • #2
    get a game


    • #3
      Splinter Cell is coming out. So is simcity 4, and numerous other delightful games. Unreal 2 is supposed to be out quite soon. Moo3 is far from being the only blip on the horizon, thankfully.
      By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


      • #4
        Get a game, don't wear clothes! Everyone is happy!
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #5
          You know that one of these days I will come to this board and find that Moo3 is either Gold or out. I just have no idea of what day.
          Mellian just find some guy to buy the game and the clothes, we don't know any better.


          • #6
            Is it possible that we wont be told exactly when it goes gold? Perhaps they'll hide all knowledge until it is being shipped, just for the delightful surprise.

            Kinda puts you in the christmas spirit.


            • #7
              finding some guy is not possible...

              Anyway, i'll wait until 14-17 atleast. I am not really into first person shooters... Half-Life is good enough for me, playing it on and off....and usually always forget how to play properlly after not touching it for a few months I remember when i played TFC...where i simply sucked at killing people, but very good at dodging bullets and rockets...and then always getting the flag for my crappy team

              Other strategies there don't really interest me, especially after some reviews...and keen in having a Online RPG, but no credit card (yet)... rather wait for World of Warcraft anyway. Warcraft III i finished it without buying it, so doesn't interest me as much as it did before... Maybe Starfleet Command 3 or Tribes 2 (have to check if it still even being played on the net still)... I want more games like Battlezone 2 where you can command a little army in First-person way, and work together in same team to fight others...

              I need something i can play on the net with, without it crashing on me a lot of times... like Starfleet command 2....or lag a lot of the times, like Civ3.

              Last edited by Mellian; January 5, 2003, 13:45.


              • #8
                finding some guy is not possible...

                Anyway, i'll wait until 14-17 atleast.
                Hmm, you're pretty young for such long-term romantic planning


                • #9
                  if another game strikes your fancy, then get it. waiting for games,especially MOO3 has proven to be a futile endeavor.

                  Besides...I bet your wardrobe is great miss Queenie Mellian
                  While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                  • #10
                    If Only I had incested the Money I laid back for DN4ever..
                    I'd be richrichRICH!!!
                    I mean.. even more rich than I am now.
                    Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Saber Cherry

                      Hmm, you're pretty young for such long-term romantic planning

                      14-17 of JANUARY.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vee4473
                        if another game strikes your fancy, then get it. waiting for games,especially MOO3 has proven to be a futile endeavor.

                        Besides...I bet your wardrobe is great miss Queenie Mellian
                        Not really, nothing compare to the average girl :/ i'm poor...



                        • #13
                          Mellian, you can't be poor. At least you can afford games. When I was an early teenager, I was lucky to even have enough to buy my own lunch! Now that was poor

                          I'd say go get clothes. It's the only sure way to be satisfied with what you buy instead of risking it on some game that you read a dodgy review on. Just imagine yourself playing Moo3 next month in your new clothes. That'll be like double the fun, eh?

                          Hey Main_Brain, did you notice you have an interesting typo?


                          • #14
                            Bah. I look upon those expecting it mid-January with envy.
                            Games Warehouse is speculating on mid-February and EB is (for once ) seemingly too smart to give out dates yet...


                            • #15
                              i haven't really read any reviews, and i am not a pessimist when it concerns games, like a lot of people on this board seem to be. MOO3 will be fun, no matter what

                              meanwhile, i'll be hunting for knee high b**ch boots, with my size, which i have other money reserves for...

                              I live on my own, jobless and stuck on welfare until i can finally find some work so yes, i am poor...and only have a place to live cause its subsidized


