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Research in MoO3

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  • Research in MoO3

    I just realized that I have missed this completely:

    Will you have to make tech choices ala MoO2 in MoO3, or do you have access to all technologies, once researched??

    I can't believe that I haven't seen any references to this earlier

    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark

  • #2
    I heard that "creative" will not be a race pick.

    Now whether that means that you automatically get all techs, or they figured out how powerful it was, is up to the reader to decide.

    I hope "uncreative" is still an option.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Epistax
      I heard that "creative" will not be a race pick.

      Now whether that means that you automatically get all techs, or they figured out how powerful it was, is up to the reader to decide.

      I hope "uncreative" is still an option.
      Maybe it's part of the setup in some other way. Or maybe it isn't there at all??

      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


      • #4
        Hope it's like in Moo 1, where you, depending on your race had more likeliness to be able researching techs in a certain field. Most Races were superior in one field and weak in another, Psilons were good in any field but superior in none of em. Beeing superior still did not mean you could get all techs, just a higer percentage of the randomly in or out techs and to a lower research cost than normal of course.


        • #5
          i believe all are researchable, only there is no way possible to research them all.


          • #6
            So that would be like standard moo2.

            I would like it if the tech tree filled itself in after a while. So that techs you didn't choose would be randomly discovered, say 3 or 4 techs down in the same line. This would well represent a system where the government mandates research, however kids doing their college thesis projects pay off.


            • #7
              i realy like that idea, but sadly i doubt it will make it into the game


              • #8
                May be Markos is allowed to answer this question for us.

                Still, I can't believe that i haven't seen anything about this before.

                Hasn't anybody seen anything about how research progresses in MoO3?

                Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                • #9
                  I heard you research multiple things at once, and some techs have more than one prerequisit.

                  I also heard some races cannot get certain technologies, no matter what.


                  • #10
                    It's much more like Moo1 than Moo2. There aren't choices so much like there were before - you won't have the decision to make on whether to go for robo-miners or power armor, for instance. Instead, the game chooses randomly at the start what techs will be available in your tech tree. I believe this number is around 90% or so. It then randomly distributes levels of those techs within a few levels, so they're not quite the same each game.

                    So, in short, you will never be able to research everything in one game because you'll not see everything each game. You will, however, be able to research anything that is shown to you.


                    • #11
                      kalbear, where are you getting all your information from?


                      • #12
                        Well, between posts here, the data dumps, and reading the strat guide, there's a ton of info about the game.

                        I'm not a beta tester, and will get some things wrong from time to time (like the PBEM/Hotseat stuff, which was based on out-of-date info), but other things I'm pretty sure on.


                        • #13
                          Hey...thanks, kalbear. Nice info. Thanks a lot

                          Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark

