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Before I buy MOO3...

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  • Before I buy MOO3... going to see it in action first. If I cant find a software store that has it running then I plan to advertise on my local website resource for somebody in my same city who has allready bought it and is willing to let me see it in action.

    Im not gonna throw away $60 for a game thats not worth the plastic CD thats its on. Hopefully it will be worth buying.

  • #2
    It'll probably be worth buying. I just worry it may not live up to the expectations of its rabid fanbase. People I know who bought Civ3 and not its predecessors were satisfied with what they got. This will more than likely be the case here.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Harry Seldon
      It'll probably be worth buying. I just worry it may not live up to the expectations of its rabid fanbase. People I know who bought Civ3 and not its predecessors were satisfied with what they got. This will more than likely be the case here.
      I've bought the original Civ, CivNet, Civ2, Civ2mp, and Civ3.... While there are a lot of things I like better about Civ2mp then Civ3 (and PTW, which was given to me, is DOWNRIGHT HORRIBLE for anything other than PBEM and hotseat), Civ3 has something of a character its own that's appealing. So I can enjoy both Civ3 and the occassional game of Civ2 (because there are things about Civ2 that the Civ3 developers were idiots not to include... ).
      Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
      Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
      7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


      • #4
        Re: Before I buy MOO3...

        Originally posted by Tolver
        Im not gonna throw away $60 for a game thats not worth the plastic CD thats its on.
        Don't worry, they'll be using polycarbonate.


        • #5
          Re: Before I buy MOO3...

          Originally posted by Tolver
 going to see it in action first. If I cant find a software store that has it running then I plan to advertise on my local website resource for somebody in my same city who has allready bought it and is willing to let me see it in action.

          Im not gonna throw away $60 for a game thats not worth the plastic CD thats its on. Hopefully it will be worth buying.

          that was quite good how you named a bunch of legal ways of getting to see the game instead of saying you'd try a warez version first


          • #6
            I plan on reading what goes on in this forum before making any decisions regarding this title.
            Granted, I won't be out there playing it the day it comes out, but I can live with that. Spending $90 on a new game that ends up unplayable I can't live with.
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              $90?! I`d never pay more than $40. You`re getting ripped my friend.


              • #8
                With strategy guide? $60 + $30 = $90


                • #9
                  See.. strategy guides are crap - and they should be half that anyway. $20 at most. Then you never go over $50 for any game ever, and if you`re patient you wait for it to drop to $35 (which they all do). By that time you can get better AND more up to date info online so you don`t need the strategy guide anyway.
                  Last edited by RolandtheMad; December 21, 2002, 05:26.


                  • #10
                    cost of games =P

                    he's form Australia

                    Im paying $89.00 New Zealand but i get a free gift of..

                    Pre-order Master of Orion III and get a free copy of the Civilization Bundle pack which contains the original Civilization, Civilization II, and Civ II: Test of Time


                    can anyone tell me what test fo time's like? i've seen some screen shots but i just looks like ugly civ to me

                    oh and games usually cost around $100 so this is pretty cheap


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I usually wait a little bit after release with most stuff, just to get the feedback from those who bought it.

                      And sorry for the off-topic, but I've got to pay a compliment - after watching The Two Towers, I've concluded that New Zealand must be the most gorgeous place on Earth. You are a lucky, lucky person Lo Rez.

                      Merry Christmas to all!
                      We make war in that we may live in peace.


                      • #12
                        Re: cost of games =P

                        Originally posted by Lo Rez
                        and Civ II: Test of Time[/I]

                        the weight of the cd is going to drive up the shipping cost

                        a couple months ago they were giving ToT away in a computer gaming magazine in australia. shows how far public opinion of the game has slipped that they have to give it away to make people even consider installing it


                        • #13
                          People say Civ 2 is a classic but I didn`t like it because IT HAD NO BUILD QUEUES. I mean really.. wtf?!


                          • #14
                            that was quite good how you named a bunch of legal ways of getting to see the game instead of saying you'd try a warez version first
                            Somehow I dont think that MOO3 will be good enough for the warez people to bother with it. After all, thay only do GOOD games, right?


                            • #15
                              Why would anyone every buy a strategy guide these days? That's just utterly dumb when there are typically hordes of online guides published within days or weeks of a game's release....
                              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

