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harvester info!

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  • harvester info!

    For those who long to have the question: "WHAT ARE THE HARVESTERS?!" answered, go to...

    Master of Orion site. Contains pictures, sounds and race info. Discuss MOO1-3, technology, , harvesters and more at our phpBB forum.

    ...for some clues.

    (Visit the 'Archives' section of the site, and the 'Harvesters' topic at the forum)

  • #2
    Heh. Things have changed a wee bit since then.

    Realize that the Ithkul are the ONLY Harvester species in the game now, for example, instead of only one of several.

    Any information based on the Kangamoo is likely to be out of date, so take it with a grain of salt.


    • #3
      What kind of a fu**ed up site is this, trying to change my internet startpage???

      I would like to get my hands around the motherfu**er who scripted this site. If I want my startpage changed, by God I can do it myself. Some Web-page makers should honestly be roasted slowly.

      Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


      • #4
        I always wondered why the family type was called "Harvesters." Holy hell, that just makes me want this game all the more. The MOO series has really lacked a playable empire that was truly evil like that.

        Come out quicker, damn you!

        A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
        -V. I. Lenin


        • #5

          Stuff like that should really be illegal. Same with spyware and all. Kid makes a program that makes your computer restart and is sent in a very obvious email, sent to jail. Big companies make nearly unavoidable viruses that not only screw your computer up but give away all your personal info to marketing companies? Oh, that's just good capitalism. It's not spy ware, it's "help ware".

          Anyone found making ad pop-ups, auto-book markers, default page changers, flash ads that super impose them selves over your window, and spy ware, should be rounded up and sent to special camps.

          Also, I do NOT want a mini RC racer.


          • #6
            great, a webpage devoted to the alpha version of moo wich has spoilers on it I won't be visiting


            • #7
              Covers his ears

              LA LA LA I'm not listening!

              (no spoilage for me!)

