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australian site says: Moo3 delayed, End of Jan(for australia)

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  • australian site says: Moo3 delayed, End of Jan(for australia)

    Sorry for double posting but i thought this info would be of intrest to alot of people. Make of it what you wish but it is from InfoGames Australia, the offical distributors. We will just have to wait untill next year.

    Bad news everyone. I just recieved this email today from Gameswhsre house were i pre-ordered the moo3. I asked them what the delay was and why and they did some investigating for me as i hounded them. Game has been delayed untill late january or mid feburary, this is from infogames itself in Australia. The only reason i can think of for this is they have serous issues with multiplayer, and the bugs are alot bigger and more numerous then what they let on. As chantz as said him self all the manuals and boxes are done waiting to be shiped, so whats the DELAY, it is BUGS, and probably alot more then what there telling us. We always get the new release games with-in a few days of the US so this dose not look good for the release in the US as well. Sorry, but you'll just have to wait untill next year. Oh well should be bug free by then


    Although Infogrames Australia's own site still lists a December release date
    - they are the Australian distributors - we received this info from one of
    their customer service reps on Friday:


    One of Infogrames sub-distributors emailed us the following info:
    "Unfortunately, Master of Orion 3 on PC has slipped back to Late January -->
    Mid February"

    We have updated the release date on our site to reflect this information.

    Tiffany McAdam
    Games Warehouse
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  • #2
    I do not want to fall into the group of nay-sayers but I think I am going to have to weigh in on this one...

    Recall the disaster Inforgrames had with Civ3, its hand full of patches and the general discontent for both the full game and the Xpansion Play the World - due to being released b4 it was prime time. It was sooo bad that I was some published reviews in the 5/10 range...! I suspect that dispited QS and Info's desire to get this game to market for the holiday season, their holding off goes beyond the "artistic merit" of the designers - The success of the Infogrames brand name is in may eyes, on the line now.

    Having sed that, I am still dreaming of MoO and continually flip over the pages of the Strat Guide to get some advanced head space on the game.



    • #3
      No, thats not true, stop being cruel


      • #4
        While I can't account for Play the World, Civilization III was certainly not any kind of disaster for Infogrames.

        It sold quite well (a lot of it probably thanks to the power of the franchise itself), and there wasn't really any "general discontent" towards it. Most reviews were positive, and while some people didn't like the game, a lot of people did.
        Play the World, on the other hand, hasn't exactly gotten raving reviews, but anyway...

        I have to say that this whole release date business is slightly depressing. Some days, I expect the game to be announced gold at any time, other days (like today after reading this thread *cough*), it feels like I'll have to wait to the end of January.

        Rantz implied in his departure notice on the Infogrames boards that the game was extremely close to being released, and the official site itself says that the game is in regressiong testing and will be released "VERY" soon. Very soon to them might be a month or two, but right now that feels like a lifetime to me.

        I only wish they'd give some hint as to whether the game is going to go gold at any moment now, or if it really won't be out until January or February next year. If they announce that the latter is the more likely case, then at least I can put this entire thing out of my mind for a while and focus on other things (like celebrating Christmas when the time comes) instead of waking up every day and wondering if today is the day they make the gold announcement! Yes, I really want this game!


        • #5

          Before this thread turns into a debate on my response, I will try and close it by saying that published revies and threads in the Civ3 forum showed some folks very miffed about the mit full of patches for both Civ3 and PTW. I bought both and *still* play both - none the less I was pissed about spending that much dough for things that seemed not *completely* ready for prime time

          If the MoO3 game is being held off to do some proper testing and avoid repeating the "issues" had with Civ3, then I guess I can live with the delay.

          We have seen several statments in this forum showing that some on the inside feel that MoO3 is ready to roll as is for Single player... My original resonse was simply to jump head first into the conjecture on why the delay.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Foxhound
            I only wish they'd give some hint as to whether the game is going to go gold at any moment now, or if it really won't be out until January or February next year. If they announce that the latter is the more likely case, then at least I can put this entire thing out of my mind for a while and focus on other things (like celebrating Christmas when the time comes) instead of waking up every day and wondering if today is the day they make the gold announcement! Yes, I really want this game!
            Yeah, at this point a hint or two should be a given. In fact, having followed the game's progress for nearly three years, I think at this point, so "near" to the release, we have a right to an hour by hour progress report of where the game is at. Label me pathetic if you will, because I can't even begin to explain how eager I am to play MOO3! And I feel that such devotion, after so many let downs and psyche outs, must be respected with hourly to half-daily progress reports. Doesn't the MOO3 team realize the dire straights they've put my emotions in?

            on the edge,


            • #7
              ...even though computer stores here such as Best Buy are advertising MOO III as already in stores... as 'new arrival' ???

              ...It's a black day for MOO... since it'll miss the key Dec release date
              -->Visit CGN!
              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8
                Every game has patches. Cause developers and beta testers can't find everything, they're a small group. It's the fans and people who pay them who find the major ouchies and tell them about it -- they make money of us -- they owe us.

                People hated Play The World cause of price, not quality. Games always have errors, they're made by humans, not God.
                Veni, vidi, vici.
                [I came, I saw, I conquered].
                -- Gaius Julius Caesar


                • #9
                  eeer mate,
                  1) it's not something straight from Infogrames/Quicksilver
                  2) it's a date for australia, not the US...

                  sorry, but i edited your thread title
                  Last edited by MarkG; December 9, 2002, 14:55.
                  Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                  Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
         my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                  • #10
                    I wonder how many people pre-ordered MoO3 back in June? Ouch.
                    Hopefully it will come out before real aliens attack earth, so I can practice.


                    • #11
                      I wonder how many people pre-ordered MoO3 back in June?
                      well i think only i and a couple of other people planned their lifes around the moo3 release
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
             my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MarkG
                        well i think only i and a couple of other people planned their lifes around the moo3 release
                        Yeah, when they said it wasn't going to come out in time for my birthday (in June) I e-mailed Alan Emrich and begged him to do what he could... becuase my girly girl's fallback gift was going to be a spa day. A SPA DAY! The horror.

                        I think I ended up getting socks.


                        • #13
                          I figured as much. Probably see it early Jan.


                          • #14
                            well i think only i and a couple of other people planned their lifes around the moo3 release
                            Yep, it's why I upgraded my computer!

                            Actually... it is.

                            Thank you for alleviating my fears- I had not noticed that end of jan was just for austrailia
                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • #15
                              Bah humbug.

                              Oh well, given that they'd already delayed it repeatedly in the name of getting things right they couldn't very well change their minds all of a sudden and release it still bug-ridden.

                              I just hope it doesn't affect their sales to the extent that they reconsider further ventures into the TBS genre.

