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Why don't people like spying in MOO2?

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  • #16
    I am thinking of restarting Stars as well, good old times

    That's where I like CTP, easy overview about what to build and easy MM-management, you select a couple of cities add what you want to add/replace/..... also easy to see what is being build. Most other games you have to jump from planet to planet ...

    Stars: I can't remember anymore... time to play ?


    • #17
      I get at least one game in every year (Stars!). Slogging through all the mines late in the game is the part where I sometimes call it quits. The out come is not in doubt and I am too lazy to keep building fleets to conquer all those planets. They keep trying to recolonizing them, so I station a battleship to intercept any atempt.


      • #18
        Spying in MoO2 is fun while you happen to be at war - the only negative in that situation is the production used to produce spies that could be used to build more ships. And the fact that capturing planets will sometimes get you missing techs anyway.

        So yes, it isn't the most effective method of doing things, but it can be fun.
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #19
          For stars: I liked to play with the race-attribute, which lives in the starbases, only thing I can remember in the moment, too long ago......


          that's what is far easier in MoO1, you just had sliders for the spying. You actually are able to produce ships and increase your spying in the same time, for me far better and more ' reallistic'....

          In MoO2, it is too much MM.....


          • #20
            Gilgamensch I like Claim Adjusters. see the Stars website for a strat guide that gives the attributes for monster races at


            • #21
              I'll give it a try, I wanted to play anyway again

              Sometimes I think that the old games are better than the new ones more original...........


              • #22
                I am not sure about beter, but they are at least fun and familar. Many of the newer games are hard to get into as they have long learning curves. Sometimes even sequels are hard to get the hang of.


                • #23
                  An interesting combination if you want to play the spying game is to use the uncreative pick and negative science to pay for your +6 in spying. To get the maximum advantage from spying, you won't be researching techs yourself, so you might as well take negatives that have the least impact on your game.

                  A Feudal government is also recommended as science is halved already, but gives you other advantages (such as cheaper ships).

                  One problem however is that you can only have a maximum of 10 negative picks, meaning you can only choose two of them.
                  I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                  • #24
                    research thru spying

                    This strategy reminds me of the Pakled race from Star Trek. They just run around, stealing tech to survive, while looking vaguely mentally retarded. Some choice quotes:

                    "We are Pakleds. Our ship is the Mandor. It is broken."

                    "We look for things." - "What things?" - "Things that make us go."
                    Become a vampire today!


                    • #25
                      Re: research thru spying

                      Originally posted by granid
                      This strategy reminds me of the Pakled race from Star Trek. They just run around, stealing tech to survive, while looking vaguely mentally retarded. Some choice quotes:

                      "We are Pakleds. Our ship is the Mandor. It is broken."

                      "We look for things." - "What things?" - "Things that make us go."
                      Don't forget

                      "You are smart. Make it go"

                      I say that to the guys at work all the time when something is broken.



                      • #26
                        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

