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Does size matter?

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  • Does size matter?

    I went into my local software store (USA mainland), and nearly fainted. There, on the shelf was 6 boxes of Moo-3 !! I must have tried to re-focus my eyes from that 10 foot distance 3 or four times, thinking to myself, im seeing some other name on these boxes, i must be ! As i approached, the image did not fade! Oh JOY I thought- and then, the most evil of thoughts entered my mind... The boxes were empty.. Yep- they were all empty... But to my point.

    The boxes are the small kind, hardly big enough for a big nice 200+ page manual I'm thinking. I asked the salesman about this, and He said that this is going to be the size box that everyone is getting... So, my question is, How is IG going to get such a wonderful manual inside the small type software box? Will there be 2 different versions of Moo-3, one with and without the manual? Or will there be two different kinds of manuals, one big and one little? Please explain and thanks !
    Last edited by Bird-O-Prey; November 24, 2002, 14:51.

  • #2
    To answer my own question...
    An answer to this on another forum states that "Neverwinter nights" came in a small box too, and it has 200+ pages. So- I would assume that there is nothing to fear


    • #3
      It can be done, but I have had that same delight, deflate when seeing a promo box on the shelf. I finally got it in my head.


      • #4
        NWN had the sort of manual that was almost impossible to read. Thankfully you didn't really need to read it much assuming you've played AD&D or any of the dozens of other D&D based games before. MoO3 is going to be a different prospect. Then again, Age of Wonders came in a DvD sized box and managed to provide a very elegant manual.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #5
          I think it's 200+ pages in a slim format.

          I've got the manual in .pdf format (one of those perks that come with the NDA, at the price of not being able to talk about it) -- it looks like it could easily be in a form factor designed for a DVD-style box.


          • #6
            I think it is going to come in both a large box *and* a small box. So those with less than perfect eyesight don't have to buy a magnifying glass.
            Deb Durham
            Empress of the Eoladi


            • #7
              'twas rumoured that the large box will be in the US, with the smaller "DVD style" boxes in Europe. Not sure about the rest of the world. Hey maybe us Europeans will have to send off a form for it


              • #8
                Rantz has promised that when he knows, we will know. It seems like he's a bit busy stomping bugs atm
                To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                • #9
                  i saw the big promo boxes on a shelf in a store this last weekend, i can't remember which right now though

