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MOO3: the inevitable Star Wars Mod

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  • MOO3: the inevitable Star Wars Mod

    If MOO3 turns out to be as moddable as QS is saying, then a Star Wars mod for MOO3 is almost a certainty. We already have the galactic senate in place. So what races and empires would you include in a potential Star Wars mod, and what features (within the scope of MOO3) would you put in it.

  • #2
    The teddy-bears


    • #3
      Anything would be better than the dire "Star Wars: Supremacy" game that was given to us as a Star Wars empire building game Thank god i only had to pay £1 for it.


      • #4
        QS has claimed it's gonna be moddable? I thought they were pretty clear about that not being a priority.

        "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
        "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


        • #5
          No, I heard that it was going to be pretty modable. If I remember correctly many of the things in the game would be text type files; that is editable by almost anyone. (For some reason I seem to remember Excel being mentioned, however, I am to lazy to dig through the Orion Sector compilations to see if I'm right or not.)
          Chaos, panic and disorder... my work here is done.


          • #6
            I agree it would be cool to have a star wars mod but this won't happen.

            MOO3 is moddable in the sense that costs and bonuses of buildings, weapons, race picks, etc. will be put in tab separated tables. These can be easily edited in excel so that you can 're-balance' the game yourself.

            The art is highly integrated into the game and cannot (without *heavy* modification of the game code and art files) be modded.

            So if you think that the harvesters aren't nasty enough or the guardian is too wimpy, you can (probably) 'mod' the game so that they get better bonuses.

            But you won't be able to turn them into wookies! At best you might be able to change the name of your race to 'Wookie' and give yourself appropriate racial bonuses, but you'll be stuck with the existing races' art (and there aren't any Wookie-like 'man-in-suit' races any more!).

            This is all paraphrased from things that Rantz has said over the years. Maybe he'll confirm this for you if he wanders by this thread.
            The foppish elf, fighting ithkul in a top hat and smoking jacket since 1885


            • #7
              I remember them saying the art hooks were accessible in text files and such....they even mentioned that beta testers have already figured out how to hack in their own art...


              • #8
                The beta testers have discovered that adding some very specific custom art is possible; replacing race art or diplomacy renders, or creating custom ship models, is something else entirely.

                I would be surprised if any mods in the "Total Conversion" sense of the term come out. It's possible, but it would take a lot of work, which generally implies either a lot of funding or a lot of free time Nevermind the copyright/trademark issues if you were going to do something like a Star Wars or Star Trek mod...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Xentax
                  I would be surprised if any mods in the "Total Conversion" sense of the term come out. It's possible, but it would take a lot of work, which generally implies either a lot of funding or a lot of free time Nevermind the copyright/trademark issues if you were going to do something like a Star Wars or Star Trek mod...
                  Have you see Troops. Do not underestimate the Star Wars fan. Why the opportunity to Stellar Convert the World Jar Jar comes from would be tempting enough for some.

                  It may not happen right away but I expect a Star Wars conversion as well as Star Trek and don't forget <*insert your favorite Si-Fi series here*>
                  The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
                  - Aristotle


                  • #10
                    any SCI FI series? what about a Dr. Who conversion then?


                    • #11
                      I think the real question is: the original Trilogy, or the new series.


                      • #12
                        Is it possible to "save" custom races, and to have the AI use them???
                        insert some tag here


                        • #13
                          Seeing as Star Wars is about as fleshed out as an onion skin, it wouldnt make the game any more interesting.

                          More obvious are the Trek and (my fave) Babylon 5. Both have a lot of sorce material to draw from for race design, plus interesting looking ships.

                          I always felt MOO2 felt a lot like B5 anyway, esp the ship combat. Shame the ships all looked like metal turds...

                          The mods for Homeworld were another matter. Perhaps Moo4 will incorporate a similar engine. I think fleet battles are going to be ****e in Moo3, although I hope I will be proved wrong.

                          Out of every space 4x game evr made, only Moo2 has an enjoyable combat game - why screw with it?

                          Perhaps a Warhammer 40k would be a good laugh too.
                          The strength and ferocity of a rhinoceros... The speed and agility of a jungle cat... the intelligence of a garden snail.


                          • #14
                            Indeed a WH40k Space Game, if done properly, would be amazing, but GW doesn't seem to like to spend money on getting a decent developer to make any worthwhile computer games for them


                            • #15
                              Moo4, if ever it would come out, WOULD be realtime in the same slow manner as EU2 and Hearts of Iron, with custom player-controlled pauses.

                              PS... Star Wars mod? Lame... This is a game of high strategy, not one of teddy bears and light sabres.

