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the pirates got MOO3 already!

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  • #16
    sorry about any rumors I seems like all the files up on the internet are at least it's out of the warez doodz hands so far...


    • #17
      Nato many games are stolen directly from the devs and put out in the past, it is not new, They hack right into the network.


      • #18
        Oops, shows my ignorance then.

        One (not too serious) theory I've had is that a reason games are released not-so-great is so that cracked versions are stuck with the pre patch game. That was what I really thought with Civ 3's air superiority bug.
        Good = Love, Love = Good
        Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


        • #19
          I found Master Of Orion 3 Alpha, and it worked

          However it was quite buggy, and most of the text was not yet inserted. So I quickly removed


          • #20
            you get what you paid for. and if you don't pay, don't expect to get the real deal.


            • #21
              Uh, noone "hacks into the network". Most often its someone on the inside leaking it, like the beta testers or some other small fry. Then there are also press copys sent to review sites getting leaked, noone is hacking into anything. Even setting up the builds on comps connected to the outside then having a weak security system seems dumb.
              "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


              • #22
                Got MOO3 Leaked Aplha from the Internet. Yeah, Yeah, call me a pirate... Actually I've already pre-ordered MOO3 because I've purchased MOO 1 + 2 too! GREAT GAMES!

                1) For all you guys who have got the alpha but only see CGA-like colours, switch your desktop colour-depth to 16-bit. (And try newest Drivers & DirectX 9 if it does'nt work).

                2) About the Alpha! Forget about it, it's not worth searching for. It's VERY buggy, crashes to Desktop ALOT, Research doesn't work well.

                As most of you know, QS has streamlined the UI to fewer screens. In the alpha you have about a 1000 different screens and options and stuff. You would need a BIG manual for that one. Without one, it's almost unplayable.

                Yes, I know, more complex == more good, but this is too much. There are almost no descriptions for research job, racial picks and so on.

                But it looks promising anyway.

                MAXIMUM RESPECT to QS! Only 10 more days? What the heck... We've waited for this game more than 2 years... So we can wait a little longer and have a FINE product then!


                • #23
                  Yeesh! If you WERE wanting to download it, at least wait until it's available! Would the (extremely unlikely) possibility of getting it before others have outweigh the virus risk or the risk of downloading several hundred meg of crap?

                  There are very few games worth buying, but for me they have always included anything from Firaxis or Microprose. For the love of God wait to buy the damn thing!

                  Pirate something else.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #24
                    So the pirate is the Alpha? Makes sence, seeing as the real-deal hasn't gone gold yet...


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by _-olle-_
                      I have come across files labeled things such as "moo3 cd 1" and "moo3 cd 2" however the filesize strongly sugest that it's just packed with crap ... I doubt moo3 total size is 100 megs ...
                      MOO3 is currently about 900MGs uninstalled
                      Rantz Hoseley
                      Art Director
                      Quicksilver Software, Inc.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                        Yeesh! If you WERE wanting to download it, at least wait until it's available! Would the (extremely unlikely) possibility of getting it before others have outweigh the virus risk or the risk of downloading several hundred meg of crap?
                        Not if you know where to go

