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What 4x game are you playing while waiting for MOO 3?

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  • #16
    I will have a follow up next week, but I don't think so.


    • #17
      I hope it goes well for you.


      • #18
        I'm playing MOO, MOO2, Space Empires IV, and Ascendency for the most part, but I've also played a little bit of Pax Imperium -- this last one only lasted until I found my MOO2 CD, then PI went back into hiding in my "games I'd rather not play often" pile.


        • #19
          Hmm... Let's see... My HD contains Baldur's Gate II, Civilization 2+3, MoO 2, SMAC, Neverwinter Nights and (I know...) Worms Armageddon.


          Oops... I forgot Q3 Arena, Aliens vs. Predator 2 and UT2003. Doesn't concern anyone here, eh?


          • #20
            The best one of all: Spaceward Ho!

            I've also got the demo for Starships Unlimited that I downloaded a while ago but have never got around to playing.


            • #21
              ArcanePumpkin same ones I have been playing. Pax has a lot of micromanaging and a huge tech list.
              Andrew has update StarShips recently (the shareware version). Divided galaxies is the same game with better graphics. It does not take long to get the hang of it.


              • #22
                Spaceward Ho! ? Where did you get it? Lovely game!

                I play Space Empires IV! Very, Very good game. AI is a little bit boring, but you can play it by web too!
                Has anyone tried out O.R.B.? Nice game too. Hegemonia is a little flat...

                Anyway, is anyone playing VGA Planets?


                • #23
                  I miss Spaceward Ho!...


                  • #24
                    Happy Dau: I got it from Chips & Bits last year but they don't seem to have it any more. There is one up for grabs on eBay at the moment....


                    • #25
                      MOO2, Fatelords


                      • #26
                        I was holding off but I may reinstall Alpha Centauri. It's high tech and sci fi if not actually a system to system game.

                        The city corruption issues with CIV 3 have me not finishing games because it is hard to rule the world when massive cities on the frontier won't produce anything even with Democracy. Very lame. It also makes no sense. Let them occasionally rebel but even under the whip of a despotism they should actually produce some shields. Anyways enough of my rant.


                        • #27
                          I've been playing Birth of the Federation and, though, I know everyone will groan at hearing this, Star Wars Rebellion (Supremacy to you Brits).

                          I know, I know. Everyone hates it. I realize I'm one of about three people who actually enjoy Rebellion, but there it is.

                          Granted, when MoO3 comes out, I'll probably uninstall Rebellion.


                          • #28
                            I did not hate, I just could never figure out how to play it. I never got out of the tutorial, it was mind boggling. I want so much to like it and even had teh strat guide (Rebellion).
                            BOTF was not bad, it just did not make me want to play it again. I was impressed with the first combat I saw.


                            • #29
                              I think the Underdogs have Spaceward Ho!.

                              On the IG boards, chantz observed that Starships Unlimited is out. I'll have to take a look at it -- can anyone point me to the demo?

                              In the chat log from yesterday or the day before, chantz recommended Combat Mission from (downloadable demo there), which isn't 4X but is TBS and is IMO very cool.


                              • #30
                                Craig, is Andrews page and has the shareware version. is the commercial version.

