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  • #16
    Forum censoring seems to be getting increasingly dumb. Even words like circumference and Essex are getting blocked out by the really bad ones
    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


    • #17
      Forum censoring seems to be getting increasingly dumb. Even words like circumference and Essex are getting blocked out by the really bad ones
      Why of course, we all now that Essex is a truly evil place


      • #18
        Originally posted by Grumbold
        Forum censoring seems to be getting increasingly dumb. Even words like circumference and Essex are getting blocked out by the really bad ones
        there are ways around the censor, but doing it for the words that really should be censored is a bannable offense here.

        like if your talking about Dick Cheney instead of you have a small **** They usually let you get away with referring to the Vice President, the other one... just hope the mods don't see it


        • #19
          Posted here!

          Update from Chantz
          Hi Folks,

          Yes, it's been a while, just wanted to give you a quick update.

          *The release date for MOO3 has been moved back to 12/4.*

          *We're probably going to go gold this Friday or sooner* - i'll make an announcement here when it does.

          You'll see EB and the like retool their dates over the next few days.

          I know some of you are going to be upset, but understand, we want to release a thoroughly enjoyable, bug free Single Player AND Multiplayer gaming experience. Right now, we have a couple of late game crash bugs in MP that *have* been nailed; we just need some more time to test.

          Most of our external testers feel that the game can ship as it stands now. However, we care about all the MP players out there (and there are a lot of you), so we're doing it right. This make all of us (QSI, our internal testers and external testers) very happy.

          Be thankful that we are NOT rushing this out the door So hang tight and be cool...we're almost done!

          The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.
          - Aristotle


          • #20
            post this as a new thread, and make the name of the thread, RELEASE DATE NOW 12/4!!! and then send a pm to danQ or Markg with the news.

            great find!


            • #21
              I sure hope that is in American format, because there's no way I can stand waiting until April!!
              To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


              • #22
                I just read that on GoneGold, not news in that we had expected it, but at least we have heard something.

