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Can MOO3 survive with games like Hegemonia,Orb and IG3 crowding?

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  • Can MOO3 survive with games like Hegemonia,Orb and IG3 crowding?

    Hegemonia is like a Mini-MOO its fun and taking over planets and attacking them in relatime is a blast. The best part is starting the game with nothing but a colony ship and some cash =) It also has multiple system support with wormholes and hyperspace all in realtime.

    IG3 is like a MOO3 without ground combat or attacking planets but the strategy of taking ships out is amazing and detailed. The graphics and scale in this game out weigh all the others. The amount of depth in the tactical part of the game makes one wonder if the strategy part will be mega deep.

    Orb this takes place of homeworld simple as that. Its fun.

    MOO3- 800x600 res, crappy graphic engine. Now MOO3 does have the MOST detailed game type of them all. Alot goes behind the scenes. The thing is when I read info about this game I cant find that much. Most people will see the box and look at the graphics and brush it off for the likes of the other titles.

    I have a bad feeling MOO3 will flop. Its old engine and low res support wont be a reviewers favorire and everyone knows people go off graphics on the back of boxs not gameplay. I really hope MOO3 gets some good advertising it needs it because gameplay alone on box wont sell it.

    God help MOO3

    Yes fans will support it but not many of them left =) Compared to the 3d market. We hardcore gamers are ass and want graphics and gameplay which is possible - ie...Hegemonia and IG3.

  • #2
    How do you feel about MOO3 and current support and market type? With Infogrames site not working doesnt help... cant get to forum.


    • #3

      I've never heard of those games you mention there (think you could post some links?) but I personally don't think MoO III will flop, I get the feeling that there are still a lot of hardcore strategy players out there, and MoO has the benefit of a name most serious strategy gamers will immediately recognise.

      I'm not quite as pessimistic about the lack of graphics as you are, strategy games almost always have pretty basic graphics without an insane amount of colours, and effects, yet the genre still exists, so the buyers must be there.

      Whether MoO III will survive the competition from those other games you mention, I don't know, but I think it has an advantage simply because of its name.

      And from what I hear the add avalanche for MoO III will soon begin.

      We will all be much wiser soon!
      "Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." -John Keats, from "Ode on a Grecian Urn"


      • #4

        Visually stunning 3D real time strategy game that pits the forces of two races against each other in a desperate struggle to control the resources they need to expand their empires.

        Enjoy =)


        • #5
          These games may as well, into longer term, bring some new people to the genre. Not everyone wants a immersionly-strategically-completenessly-faded RTS
          You should also add this other game alot closer to MOO3: Galactic Civilizations.

          So a few factors:
          1- All these games will make competition
          2- Many of these games may bring new people to the genre
          3- Maybe this overflow to the genre is coming from a higher popularity overall, thus there's already people more consumer to buy copies (more demand), which brings companies to create more games (more offer)

          Finally, it seems it will bring more diversity, thus the genre will maybe be pushed further with new innovations and solutions.
          Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


          • #6
            I find it interesting that you focus on the gameplay elements of the other games, then immediately dismiss MOO3 on the basis of its graphics, "because gameplay alone on box won't sell it".

            Do you have a real argument to present here? Because if any of these titles need to worry about losing sales to competing games, it's probably not MOO3. The Master of Orion franchise carries a considerable amount of clout.


            • #7
              All those games offer fun gameplay and GREAT graphics. Thats the point.

              M003 is a spreadsheet with a crappy voxel tech renderer. We all known voxel is crap no matter trying to explain.

              You fans here may not care but you guys play civ 3 and moo2 which have 0 graphics most you probably dont even own a system above 500mhz.

              Most people on other forums dismiss Moo3 and a living spreadsheet with crap ass graphics. Ive seen far more negative about the game then good.

              This is why i worry. Moo3 has alot to compete with since moo3 is comming out RIGHT after Hege and orb.


              • #8
                You fans here may not care but you guys play civ 3 and moo2 which have 0 graphics most you probably dont even own a system above 500mhz.
                Be careful. Someone might come after you for this one.

                Most people on other forums dismiss Moo3 and a living spreadsheet with crap ass graphics. Ive seen far more negative about the game then good
                They are scared of the power of the New Orions (those Antaran bastards!)

                Seriously, for me, this WAS the game back in the day. Nothing else compared to it. I fired up the ol' MOO2 this week and still felt the magic. I do think sales will be brisk and if the game sites/mags like it (and many reviewers fondly remember the first two), sales will follow. Especially if all the hype fits into the box.


                • #9
                  Hegemania or how ever it is spelled is a 3d rts, it may be great, but it is not a TBS game so it will not really be in competition, with the exception that it is a space game. IG3, if like IG2 is not going to make many think of Moo. It was against Homeworld type games and it was vastly inferior to HW.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vipermmx
                    You fans here may not care but you guys play civ 3 and moo2 which have 0 graphics most you probably dont even own a system above 500mhz.

                    Most people on other forums dismiss Moo3 and a living spreadsheet with crap ass graphics. Ive seen far more negative about the game then good.
                    Go to civ3 and look at the hread for system. I gave away at least 4 pc in the past 2 years that are above those stats and still have AMD 1.6G and PIV 1.7G boxes using Geforce3 and Radeon 8500 cards.
                    Most other forums are full of children, so what. People are free to dismiss anything they want. I am still waiting for the game that has graphics so good that I will like it in spite of the fact that it is no fun. I have many games that have ancient graphics that are still fun. The fact is that is is rare for any TBS game to sell in lare numbers. This could be do to any number of thing. One is surely that you do not find many, another is they are often berift of state of the art graphics. I would suspect the other factor is the age of most game buyers, requires an immediate action feed back, that will not be found in TBS.


                    • #11
                      It seems that these games, while looking great, seem to focus around space battles. Everyone likes a healthy emphasis on space battles. But MOO3 seems to emphasize much more.


                      • #12
                        Moo3 is 4x strategy game that has diplomacy,spying,economics etc so you need to have the so called speadsheet look because it would be no good without information. The three games you talk about are command and conquer in space like homeworld, its like comparing apples and oranges they are a different genre.


                        • #13
                          You fans here may not care but you guys play civ 3 and moo2 which have 0 graphics most you probably dont even own a system above 500mhz.
                          Oh. Now I understand your position: You're one of these misguided people who thinks that if a game doesn't use a 3-D engine with millions of multi-textured polygons on the screen, it isn't worth playing.

                          Why are you even worried about MOO3? It's obviously not a game you'd enjoy playing, even if it did have state-of-the-art graphics.

                          Kids these days...


                          • #14
                            Seems the continued problems with the official fora spill over here - now we get all the trolls. For shame!
                            "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                            "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


                            • #15
                              You fans here may not care but you guys play civ 3 and moo2 which have 0 graphics

                              {Begin Rant}
                              Moo2 and Civ3 do not have 0 graphics. Games like ADOM have 0 graphics and I would rather play ADOM-like games that have depth and character, than some game with graphics that burn your eyeballs out of your sockets and all of the depth and enjoyment potential of a puddle on Highway 66.

                              But I suppose I am only one person and that almost no one else has my warped tastes.

                              Sorry but I felt I had to say that
                              Chaos, panic and disorder... my work here is done.

