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  • #16
    Originally posted by Llama

    Or IG could have chosen the box art & simply not informed QSI.
    To clarify on the quote/speculation...

    No one here at QS or Con (while he was here) has seen the final box art, and *last I had heard* it was going to be redesigned from what I had seen last, because IG's packaging group asked for about 50 high rez shots for box art about two and a half months ago.

    so, I am *assuming* they redesigned the box, or reworked the design, or whatever level of change occured based on that. I don't know what the final box looks like...


    the final box *is* done, the manuals are printed (We actually have the numbers of how many were printed, so we know that's the case) and the jewel cases are waiting for their discs.

    which should be there very very soon

    by the by, I started a game of MOO3 last night, 'just to check out one thing' with no intention of playing a full blown game.

    next thing I know it's 2:45 and I'm 200+ turns into it...
    Rantz Hoseley
    Art Director
    Quicksilver Software, Inc.


    • #17
      So what I hear you saying Rantz is that, even after the "final push" is done and over you still won't be getting much sleep because you guys have nailed the "just one more turn" aspect!

      I can hardly wait until we are all losing sleep!


      • #18
        the final box *is* done, the manuals are printed (We actually have the numbers of how many were printed, so we know that's the case) and the jewel cases are waiting for their discs.

        which should be there very very soon

        by the by, I started a game of MOO3 last night, 'just to check out one thing' with no intention of playing a full blown game.

        next thing I know it's 2:45 and I'm 200+ turns into it... [/QUOTE]

        Woo Hoo!

        Encouraging!Keep up the good work and thanks for being so in touch with us here at the forums.



        • #19
          In that case, since the manuals have been printed, it would seem reasonable that IG has decided if we Euros get any?
          "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
          "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


          • #20
            Originally posted by moomin
            In that case, since the manuals have been printed, it would seem reasonable that IG has decided if we Euros get any?
            still trying to find the details to that out.

            sorry for the hold up
            Rantz Hoseley
            Art Director
            Quicksilver Software, Inc.


            • #21
              Rantz now you ae talking. Moo and Moo2 have keep me up late just this past month (even after all these years I can still get hooked).


              • #22
                Thanks for the dates information

                By the looks of it... it seems like it might be delayed a week or two due to the box art production, however

                Nevertheless, I look forward to this game!
                (As long as the influence points is implemented correctly! ) I like large-spanning games (civ II) but sometimes hate the bogging-downness that games like Star General had...
                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                • #23
                  Originally posted by DarkCloud
                  Thanks for the dates information

                  By the looks of it... it seems like it might be delayed a week or two due to the box art production, however

                  Nevertheless, I look forward to this game!
                  (As long as the influence points is implemented correctly! ) I like large-spanning games (civ II) but sometimes hate the bogging-downness that games like Star General had...
                  IFP was ripped out of the game quite some time ago.


                  • #24
                    No IFP. Star general, do not see that mentioned too often.


                    • #25
                      Members of the development team suffering from one-more-turn syndrome despite having been staring at the game for years. Now that's a good sign

                      Guess you forgot to set your MOO alarm, huh?
                      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Grumbold
                        Members of the development team suffering from one-more-turn syndrome despite having been staring at the game for years. Now that's a good sign
                        yeah that's what *I* was thinking at 2am-ish I was like... "holy sh**! I did NOT mean to play that long! Followed by Holy Sh**! I got wrapped up in it enough that I played that long!"

                        A couple of artists who said that TBS games aren't their thing, and that they'd never have 'one-more-turn syndrome addmitted to me yesterday that they've found themselves playing at very late hours, wanting to play 'just a bit more' to see what coming up next.

                        So, I'm happy The corruption begins...

                        Guess you forgot to set your MOO alarm, huh?
                        wellll, I was *only* going to play to double check that a text string had got fixed. 20 turns Max... heh...

                        I can quit anytime, honest!
                        Rantz Hoseley
                        Art Director
                        Quicksilver Software, Inc.


                        • #27
                          Lucky for me I do not have to get up, so if I play too late, it is not a problem, so bring on the game.


                          • #28
                            Rantz, you know there's a number of us here that are very concerned that you're not getting enough sleep, and we were thinking that we'd be glad to verify text strings and such for you! Just send the game on over and we'll get right on it!


                            • #29
                              I am afraid....i will get fired for playing MOO3 at work, at night and while eating and sleeping. Aaaah....and i am already an addict to the first 3's the end.
                              "Give us peace in our time",

                              Stuart Adamson, singer from Big Country, 1958-2001.


                              • #30
                                This is scary

                                I may have to change my mind about buying Moo3

                                I can't aford to be addicted to Moo3. If it happened to Rantz, There's not doubt what it will probably do to the rest of us

                                Just kidding Can't wait

